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  • 🀘🏻 COREY UPDATE 🀘🏻

      30 April 2019
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    ** Corey update **

    It is now 6 x weeks since accident & according to care plan, Corey's condition is stabilized enough to allow review of orthopaedic repair to be staged. We are finally off for a full body MRI scan & specific xrays that will determine the way forward.

    Corey is absolutely over the pain that has plagued him in particularly for the last few days..... his coping strategy is clearly to practise his collection of foul language, racist comments & condemnation of staff which is really hard to deal with as this stuff is way outside of our own value system. Fortunately, staff have seen this all before & just laugh it off while pumping him with more morphine or whatever concoction works! ......... they say it is brain injury at it's worst.

    Unfortunately, this behaviour just keeps on coming when the chips are down & reporting on social media is the 1st to drop off the essential task list.

    However, we do have some exiting new to share but you'll have to watch this space as orderlies have arrived for transfer to Radiology.... bring it on!!

    One last push for the givealittle page which ends shortly...... please donate every little bit helps, thanks to all who have donated and the beautiful messages of support πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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  • 🀘🏻 Corey update 🀘🏻

      10 April 2019
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    *** Γ‡OREY UPDATE*** via Liz (Corey’s mum)

    OMG.... Chch hospital has welcoming committee of armed police..... then Spinal trauma ward has security guards seated down corridor. But wait, yet again there's more...

    Walking in to Corey's room he has his own 24/7 'guard', possibly better termed 'minder' as he doesn't have anything to do with terrorist attack, but rather protecting Corey from himself.

    Becoming more awake while facing his broken bones, frustration, anxiety & mental challenges, his behaviour & speech is at times unpredictable & has the potential to be harming to self. We are assured this is temporary (duration not known) & out of absolute respect for Corey, his family & his recovery journey, I have chosen not to share the specific behavioural challenges he's currently facing.

    Unfortunately last night when I got here, Corey was really tired, agitated, confused & mixed up.

    Was able to calm him & there were tiny windows of rational thinking & speech.

    Visiting begins at 11am so am really looking forward to seeing him & get more information on progress etc. Will update when able xxx

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      31 March 2019


    Corey is so far doing well, appears to be fighting and winning against the lung infection and small amounts of awake time although can get stressed/overstimulated very easily...which means he needs lots of sleep and rest 😴😴😴 Thanks and appreciation to all the generous donations and well wishers on the give a little page.... this closes on the 1st of May 2019 so keep sharing and donating.... any little bit helps!!!!

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  • 🀘🏻 COREY UPDATE 🀘🏻

      29 March 2019

    🀘🏻🀘🏻 *COREY UPDATE* 🀘🏻🀘🏻

    Just like yesterday, the more awake Corey is, he is clearly showing signs of intense pain & discomfort. He is also very anxious & appears to be afraid & fearful. The staff are constantly working & monitoring his pain, sedation & anxiety levels but as a visitor this is really, really hard to watch.

    For all the family & friends that plan to visit Corey over the weekend, KIA KAHA people......please stay strong so together we can acknowledge his suffering while reassuring him of what has happened, where he is & that he is in the best of hands with 'team Corey' right behind him just waiting for his body to heal. You guys rock!!

    Sam thought that the following post from my friend that is an ICU nurse (thanks Sheryl) may be helpful to pre-warn you all of what is currently happening for Corey:

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    While Corey is slowly allowed to wake just keep telling him what happened and where he is. He will be confused each time he wakes and it will take a long time for him to keep the realisation of what has happened due to both the head injury and the drugs he is on. Sometimes after a long period of induced coma and head injury they can go through a type of psychosis while waking up. It is very distressing for the loved ones but be assured this will pass given a bit of time. It sounds like they are weaning drugs then giving them again to settle him. This is a normal way of weaning from a long induced coma. Remember the human brain is amazing and sometimes in the most dire of prognoses seeming miracles can happen. Currently for the medical team it is a fine balance of waking him, keeping the pain under control, and keeping him safe from his confusion and irritation. Traceostomy will help with weaning from ventilation. It is a long tiring journey for you all and my thoughts are with you every day.

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  • 🀘🏻 COREY UPDATE 🀘🏻

      26 March 2019
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    On the whole, Corey seemed more stable today. Highlight without doubt was Sam, nurse & Dr observing Corey's left leg moving briefly. This was repeated later when I observed Corey grimacing when a wound on right leg was being redressed, indicating POTENTIAL movement below broken vertebrae.HOORAY!

    We are really hopeful these responses are purposeful & not just reflexive responses. Movement of left arm definitely appears to be meaningful when he tries to cough etc which is why this hand is restrained as he appears to be trying to remove tubes etc that are life sustaining, yet causing such discomfort.

    Care team has informed that no procedure will be performed unless benefit outweighs the risks. Which is why tomorrow or Wed, rib cage is to be reconstructed by pinning together each rib - many broken in more than one place & currently 'floating around' causing further damage & intense discomfort when breathing & coughing etc. This will support his damaged lungs & assist Corey with ease of breathing.

    He remains on full life support & heavy duty medication to keep his pain level & current paralysis manageable to ensure discomfort does not cause additional stress.

    Tiny steps forward that bring huge encouragement for family & friends !!

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  • 🀘🏻 COREY UPDATE 🀘🏻

      22 March 2019
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    The positive vibes are working!!!!

    Sam has just spoken to the neurosurgical reg who was in theatre. Corey went in and initially had increased pressure in the brain which settled. They proceeded with the full surgery, removed the fragments of spine that were in the way, placed rods to keep the spine in place. The spinal chord had holes in the sheath covering it. We will not know about sensation recovery until he wakes and can have testing. But all and all.... A massive success!!!!

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      21 March 2019
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    Huge thanks to everyone’s kind donations and for the amazing messages of support, absolutely blown away by everyone’s generosity!!!

    Here’s a wee update on Corey....

    β€œWe have been told that today & tomorrow are critical for patients such as Corey. Neuro consultant shared their only focus right now is assisting Corey to 'fight for his life' & 'fight for his brain'.

    We have learned that while many vertebrae are completely shattered or broken through, his spinal chord is intact although currently seriously compressed. A considered & calculated risk assesment of lung damage & brain pressure determines Fri am to be earliest they are willing to again attempt an operation to remove vertebrae & insert rods to allow for decompression of spine.

    We have been informed that this delay may well seriously affect a successful outcome re mobility if in fact this potential currently exists.

    A special cradle has been created that will hopefully assist Corey to this time be able to stay on his tummy for duration of 5-7 hrs, supporting his damaged lungs & complete set of broken ribs that caused the sky rocketing brain pressure within seconds of turning him last time. We are hoping this procedure does not have to be abandoned this time.

    We have been informed Corey may take days to come out of his coma before they can test level of brain function & reflex response. We have learned that once all his broken bones have healed & pending level of brain function, it is expected he will regain upper body mobility.

    In time & all going well, once his condition is more stable he is facing a lengthy rehabilitation journey at Burwood Spinal Unit in Chch......which is why a dear friend has set up a give a little page to support Corey's family on their journey. Our heartfelt thanks to all those that have shown their love & support in this way.”

    Keep sending those prayers and good vibes people!!!!

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