Help fix Brittney wheelchair van

$570 of $3,200 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in 4 weeks

Get Brittneys van back on the road


Brittney is a 23 year old woman who is wheelchair bound. She has a condition called friedreich's ataxia , she also has a heart condition because of this. We are not 100% sure of her life expectancy but her heart is good at the moment. Brittney has just started her first ever job as a youth adviser working 3 days a week. Because she is now working work and income cut her benefit so she still only has enough money to live on, in saying that She really enjoys this role. We have made this page to get help to fix her wheelchair van. This is her only form of getting out and about to her hospital app, supermarket trips , and other activity’s. We have had the motor replaced previously witch she is still paying off a bank loan for. For the last warrant we had to get rust fixed witch the family helped pay for. Her family pays the running cost and insurance on the van as Brittney does not earn much money at all and work and income are not much help. The van is has a blown gasket is Is going to cost around $3000 to fix. This is a cost that we just cannot come up with. We are asking please for a donation how ever big or small. Any little bit will help and Brittney will be forever greatful. Taxis cost a lot to get around and she just can not afford to keep doing this. All money will go toward this cost of getting her van back on the road. Thank you

Shannon Steele's involvement (page creator)

Brittney is my sister

Use of funds

All funds will go towards getting the van fixed. If we exceed our goal we use the rest on road kms

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Latest donations

Ellen on 27 Feb 2020
Hope your van gets back on the road soon Bid ❤
Soph & Tane
Soph & Tane on 27 Feb 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Feb 2020
Kerry and glenys
Kerry and glenys on 24 Feb 2020
Here's a start more come payday
Andrea on 23 Feb 2020

Who's involved?

Shannon Steele's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Shannon Steele on behalf of Brittney steele
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This campaign started on 22 Feb 2020 and ended on 23 Mar 2020.