Help for Hayley!!
If you are reading this, I am sure Hayley is someone special to you- or special to someone close to you. As you probably know, Hayley has been fighting breast cancer for over 5 years now. I am not exaggerating when I say she never complains, she never asks for or wants pity, she just puts everything she has into fighting this horrific disease.
A couple of weeks ago she hit one of her biggest hurdles so far. She was told the chemo she was currently on had been unsuccessful and the cancer had spread to further lymph nodes and her spine. Her Oncologist has advised her that she is reaching the end of options for treatment. However, she has been given an option (possibly her final option) of a drug that has had proven success in slowing down the progression of cancers like hers, and in some cases given patients many more years of life. Unfortunately, this treatment is not funded by the government and will cost her $95,000.
She needs your help desperately!! She has put away the majority of her last Give-a Little, but is still falling around $65,000 short. Hayley, Nathan and her family are frantically working to come up with as much as possible, but they will need this Give-a-Little to cross the mark. Any small amount that you can afford would be so greatly appreciated to help prolong Hayley's life as long as possible.
She hates that she needs to ask this, but I have told her there are so many people out there that love her that will want to help in any way they can. Thank you x
Unfunded drug to treat Cancer (Pembrolizumab).