head on collision where the other driver crossed the centre line .one fatality (my mother) and am just trying to keep the count at 1.
On the 27th of november 2018 my family was involved in a fatal car crash. Inside the car was my mother my father my cousin and 2 rottweilers.
In the accident my mother passed away at the scene and my father and cousin were rushed to hospital , and the two dogs (presumed dead at first) were rushed off to the vets.
keha (the oldest) suffered a severe break to her leg and requires surgery (either amputation or a plate) and sassy (the youngest) was just a bit shook up and is still in for observation.
basically im starting this givealittle to help cover some of the costs for the two girls.
Atm the quoted amount from the vets is 3600 and at this time with everything else going on (funeral arrangements, father in icu in wellington and cousin needing surgery for two broken legs) i am not sure how i can cover the costs.
We lost one in the incident already and it would be great if we can keep that count at just 1. The girls are as much apart of the family as all of us
thankyou very much for taking the time to go through this. and please stay safe on the roads.
edit 1: we elected for the plates as it because of her size it was the best thing for her. the unfortunate bit is the price has increased quite a bit. the last price i was told by the vets doing the sugery was $7000. we are blown away by all the support though. and thankyou every single person that has donated. and every single vet that has been so helpful and have worked so hard on our baby girls!
son of owner of the dogs that passed away in a car crash
to cover vet costs involved with the injuries sustained by a fatal car crash on the 27th of november
kehas home!!!! 5 December 2018
still a long road to recovery but our baby girls home. one night of spoiling and then on to the jenny craig dog edition