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Help Frankie get to London to represent New Zealand at a Strongman World Championship!

$3,215 donated
Given by 42 generous donors in around 7 months

I am fundraising to compete in a Strongman World Championship.

Tauranga, Bay Of Plenty

My name is Frankie Harman and Iā€™m a mother of 5 lovely kids & a cat. I do Strongman as a hobby and back in October 2022, I took part in The Static Monsters Worldwide competition, which is a one weekend, super sized strongman competition with events running across more than 20 countries. All events follow the same rules, equipment regulations and scoring system. This offers competitors a world ranking on their Log Lift and Axle Deadlift. It is now the biggest strongman event of its kind in the world and will continue to grow.

I managed to lift 72.5kg on the log and a 210kg axle deadlift and was placed 8th out of 69 strongwomen from all around the world. This earned me a spot in the Masters Division at The Static Monsters World Championships in London in July this year.

I will be the only New Zealand athlete there and I am extremely excited! The trip is purely self funded and to ease the financial burden I am attempting to fundraise in different ways.

Any financial support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your donation or sharing of my page.

Here is a link to more information about the competition: https://staticmonsters.com/

Use of funds

Travel and accommodation.

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Latest update

The biggest thank you from me to you  30 July 2023

I would like to thank all of you for helping me make it to my first world's championship. I placed 6th and I'm very happy with that. Your donations helped ease the financial burden and my husband and I are very grateful. Love you all. Frankie

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Jul 2023
Isa lei! You are awesome Frankie!
Frances Harman

Isa lei vinaka vakalevu my friend.

Frances Harman
Angela on 19 Jul 2023
Go Frankie - you're amazing!!!
Frances Harman

Thank you so much Angela xx

Frances Harman
Valerie on 19 Jul 2023
šŸ™ŒšŸ’Ŗ Best of luck!
Frances Harman

Thank you your support Valerie xx

Frances Harman
Dad on 19 Jul 2023
We're so proud of you.
Frances Harman

I am absolutely speechless Dad and family. I love you all so very much.

Frances Harman
Private Donor
Private Donor on 17 Jul 2023
All the best xx

Who's involved?

Frances Harman's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Frances Harman
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This campaign started on 10 Jan 2023 and ended on 29 Jul 2023.