Help fund a young father to USA for a life changing treatment
Tokoroa, Waikato
In January 2023 at the age of 23, Hayden was diagnosed with a rare Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) on his brain. This is when the blood vessels are tangled up into a small ball and put pressure on his brain. He has had many ongoing side effects that have started to affect his every day life, after many tests they found that his AVM cannot be surgically removed & that he would have to travel to America for radiation for him to have a chance at a normal life, without this treatment hayden will end up paralysed. There is nothing any specialist in New Zealand can do for him. America is the only country in the world that specialises with AVM this rare. Please help us raise funds so Hayden can have the best quality of life, for not only himself, but his three children.
I am Hayden's partner
Funds be used for medical expenses , flights, accommodation and daily expenses for him and his family.
All funds raised will go towards this and we will look at other options if we need to make up the rest (continued fundraising, loans etc)
Treatment Update 30 November 2023
Thank you to everyone who has shared, fundraised, donated and supported us through this journey. A huge shout out to the NZ Herald and readers who made our story go viral and expose the cracks in the New Zealand Health system. Due to the exposure of his story a lot more options became available to us & Hayden has secured Treatment & will be treated early next year ! We couldn’t have done it without your help we are incredibly grateful and can’t thank you’s all enough. The funds are going to make a really big difference and helps towards our family & Hayden’s long road to recovery. THANK YOU ALL! 🙏🏻