Help Fund Jeannie’s Cancer Treatment

$10,713 of $60,000 goal
Given by 98 generous donors in 7 weeks

Jeannie was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and needs help to access an unfunded treatment called Osimertinib to extend her life.

Christchurch, Canterbury

Jeannie was recently diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. The treatment recommended by her oncologist is a drug called Osimertinib which could extend her life by up to three years, maybe more. Unfortunately this drug is unfunded and extremely expensive. It could cost about $100,000 a year and Jeannie’s health insurance will only cover $10,000 for an unfunded drug. Without treatment, her life expectancy is only months and the funded option would only give her up to 18 months with many side effects.

Finding out Jeannie has one of the more common forms of lung cancer and it is quite treatable (not curable) was a relief but the news that the treatment of choice is not funded and is not something she can afford has been hard to take. Jeannie and my Dad have already put their house up for sale so that they can move into a retirement village with access to health care and support but to extend and improve Jeannie’s quality of life, they need help.

The sooner Jeannie can start Osimertinib the better. She was admitted to hospital last week and needed surgery to drain over two litres of fluid from her lungs and around her heart. Despite all this and the associated breathlessness, cough and back pain, Jeannie is facing everything head on and staying positive.

Jeannie is such a kind, caring and loving partner, mother and grandmother. Please help us fund this treatment so she can enjoy a few more years with her family and be a part of her grandchildren’s’ lives for as long as possible.

Alyssa O'Connor's involvement (page creator)

Jeannie is my Dad's partner of 25 years.

Use of funds

Osimertinib treatment for lung cancer.

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Page closing and a huge thank you from Jeannie and family  20 June 2024

With the campaign coming to a close, we just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated and contributed to the cost of Jeannie's treatment.

Jeannie is doing really well and feeling so much better on the treatment. Hopefully she can continue on it for as long as possible.

Thank you all again ❤️

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Joy on 20 Jun 2024
All the best! God bless!
Petra on 13 Jun 2024
Wishing you all the very best Jeannie! <3
Shona on 13 Jun 2024
Ella on 04 Jun 2024
Thinking of you Jeannie.
Eden on 04 Jun 2024
Thinking of you Jeannie

Who's involved?

Alyssa O'Connor's avatar
Created by Alyssa O'Connor
Jeannie Lauti's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jeannie Lauti
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This campaign started on 2 May 2024 and ended on 21 Jun 2024.