Help Gemma get a diagnosis
Whanganui, Manawatu-Wanganui
Over a year ago Gemma started experiencing an extremely rapid heart rate multiple times a day as high as up to to 208 bpm, horrible chest pains, extreme tiredness, breathlessness and more things a healthy 17 year old shouldn't be experiencing. We have had countless doctors appointments, hospital admissions with no answers or help. She is not able to live her life as a young teenager should, she can barely attend school or go out like she used to due to not being able to walk very far and being constantly in pain, she feels house bound as when we do go out she has to recover for days after as a consequence. All of her symptoms are getting worse very quickly, and experiencing new symptoms all the time such as collapsing and a potential stroke recently.
We have been waiting over a year to see a cardiologist but are constantly being denied due to her young age as they struggle to believe things can happen to younger people. We are now in desperate need to see a cardiologist but are having to go private due to the extreme wait times, we are concerned that the longer we wait the damage could be irreversible. We are asking for a small donation to help cover the costs of getting her to see someone private as this is a extremely expensive cost that we can not afford on our own. Anything helps and we will be so grateful if we are able to do this.
I am her mother
A private cardiologist
Update 29 March 2023
Hi all, Thank you for your generous amounts of donation and support. We are so thankful for you all❤️She’s had her first appointment with the cardiologist to put her on a high dose of beta blockers to see if that will help the heart rate side of things until we get further appointments and to see a neurologist. Thank you all❤️
Thank you so much! xx
Thanks so much!! Never forgot what you guys have done for us ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much!!❤️❤️
Thank you so much!!!❤️
Thank you so much Christie!❤️