Help Juliana's family in their loss

$35,421 donated
Given by 519 generous donors in 4 weeks

Your donations will go towards helping family come to New Zealand and cope with any financial impacts of their loss

Christchurch, Canterbury

Our dear friend and beloved colleague Juliana Cayena Bonilla Herrera was tragically taken from us last week. We are shocked and heart-broken that such a beautiful soul has been taken from our lives and feel even more for her family back in Colombia.

We would like to help Juliana's family cover some of the costs associated with this sad time.

Travel costs are expensive in these COVID times and we hope to make this difficult time more bearable for her family.

Funds will be paid to a trusted third party on behalf of the next of kin. We are currently working through the process of who this will be and we will update you with further information when available.

Sus donaciones seran destinadas a ayudar a la famila en su viaje a Nueva Zelanda y hacer frente a cualquier gasto financiero relacionado con su perdida.

Nuestra querida amiga y amada colega Juliana Cayena Bonilla Herrera nos fue arrebatada la semana pasada. Estamos conmocionados y desconsolados de que un alma tan hermosa haya sido quitada de nuestras vidas y lo sentimos aún más por su familia en Colombia.

Nos gustaría ayudar a la familia de Juliana a cubrir algunos de los costos asociados con este triste momento.

Los costos de viaje son caros en estos tiempos de COVID y esperamos hacer más llevadero este momento difícil para su familia.

Support group for Juliana's involvement (page creator)

We are a group of close friends and co-workers of Juliana's.

Use of funds

Your donations will go towards helping family come to New Zealand and cope with meeting any financial costs related to their loss.

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Feb 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Feb 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Feb 2022
Rebecca on 16 Feb 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Feb 2022

Who's involved?

Support group for Juliana's avatar
Created by Support group for Juliana (Group)
BDO Christchurch Trust Account's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of BDO Christchurch Trust Account (Group) on behalf of Next of kin of Juliana
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This campaign started on 27 Jan 2022 and ended on 27 Feb 2022.