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Help get Marvin home to his family

  • A genuine thank you...

      9 September 2022

    We wish to thank the kind people who contacted us intitally after Marvin's death who wanted to help provide assistance in his repatriation. We had so many offers that this page was created to allow those who wished to contribute the chance to do so.

    We, along with Marvin's family are so grateful to everyone who has donated to help get Marvin home, and would like to thank you all for your wonderful support. The amount of funds raised has exceeded our expectations and it will ensure that Marvin gets home safely. He is due to leave NZ on Sunday the 11th September 2022.

    A big thank you also goes to the Southland Filipino Society for the funeral service you helped organise locally, and your assistance in helping us behind the scenes to get various matters sorted for the family.

    From the team at Gladvale Farms

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