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Help Hanna attend the Global Leaders Program

  • Thank you so much!

      28 September 2022

    Hi there all you lovely people!

    I just wanted to post a little update. It has been a few months since my campaign and I have now done 1,5 months or so of the Global Leaders Program - thanks to you all! I can't express enough how much your support means to me, it feels absolutely amazing to be surrounded by people that believe in what I am doing.

    So far the Global Leaders Program is a fantastic, mind blowing experience. I know that this will be an intense year ahead but the challenge is inspiring and I know that this time will be so valuable for me, both professionally and on a personal level.

    Once again, thank you so much for helping me getting here!

    So much gratitude to each and one of you all!

    Lots of love,

    Hanna xxx

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  • Almost there!

      8 June 2022

    I am so grateful and really blown away by the support I have received the last few days. Thank you SO much all you generous people for helping me towards my goal, it really mean so much to be backed up like this. ❤️

    I'm getting closer and closer to target, only a little bit to go now....

    Lots of love,


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