Help Helen Dalziell on her cancer journey

$28,138 donated
Given by 67 generous donors in 13 weeks

Supporting Helen's Fight Against Cancer: Please Help Fund Her Vital Keytruda Treatments

Warkworth, Auckland

Dear friends, as many of you know Helen has been battling cancer for some time. Recently she was offered the opportunity to use a non-government funded drug, Keytruda. The results have been promising for Helen, however, the cost of each Keytruda treatment is a staggering $10,000. The good news is after seven more of these treatments the cost is reduced significantly. Unfortunately, Helen has depleted her funds to the point where she can only afford two more treatments. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a tremendous difference in Helen's life. Your kindness and generosity can bring renewed hope in Helen's fight against cancer.

Brent Burridge's involvement (page creator)

I am a friend of Helens, and she is a wonderful member of our community.

Use of funds

Keytruda Cancer Treatment

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Jul 2023
Love to you dear Helen
Helen Dalziell

I'm so very grateful for your generous help. With blessings and much loving thanks. Helen

Helen Dalziell
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Jul 2023
Helen Dalziell

I'm so very grateful for your generous help. With blessings and much loving thanks. Helen

Helen Dalziell
Jocelyn on 07 Jul 2023
Our love and prayers are with you dear Helen
Helen Dalziell

I'm so very grateful for your generous help. With blessings and much loving thanks. Helen

Helen Dalziell
Narena on 04 Jul 2023
Helen Dalziell

Very grateful thanks dear friend, God Bless you.

Helen Dalziell
Tonia on 04 Jul 2023
Happy birthday dear Helen from Tonia
Helen Dalziell

I'm so very grateful for your very generous help. God Bless you and much loving thanks. Helen

Helen Dalziell

Who's involved?

Brent Burridge's avatar
Created by Brent Burridge
Helen Dalziell's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Helen Dalziell
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This campaign started on 26 May 2023 and ended on 25 Aug 2023.