Help Hip Hop Duo Get to Worlds!

$1,025 of $10,000 goal
Given by 14 generous donors in around 4 months

Please help Iconic Duo fulfill their lifelong dream of representing New Zealand on the Hip Hop World Stage!

Nelson / Tasman

Iconic are Siblings from Nelson NZ who have placed first at Hip Hop Unite in the Cadet Duo division, and have been selected to represent NZ on the World Stage in The Netherlands on the 18-20 October 2018.

They are the only Cadet Duo from New Zealand to be selected for Hip Hop Unite World Championships 2018.

This has been their dream and they have worked extremely hard to get this far, but we need your help to get them to the World stage! We have a very small time frame between now and Worlds to fundraise our way there!

Iconic are dedicated and passionate hip hop dancers who love to just dance!! They are only 10 & 11 years old, but teach a weekly community hip hop class for Born and Raised Academy.

Zariyah and Shylah will be fundraising for themselves too. They aim to teach kids dance workshops locally, sell raffle tickets, do a dance workshop school tour, and lots of busking!!

The Nelson Mail have published a story on the dance duo’s success. The link to this article is below:

Thank you for your kind support!!

Shane Andrews' involvement (page creator)

I am the father of Zariyah and Shylah, trying to make their dream of dancing on the world stage come true.

Use of funds

All funds raised will help to pay for air fares, accommodation, transport, choreography and training fees, competition fees and passports!! Any surplus funds will be used to further Iconic’s dance career at other competitions.

Latest donations

The Weir Family
The Weir Family on 04 Oct 2018
Good Luck!!! You'll be amazing!
Amelia Garner
Amelia Garner on 28 Sep 2018
Just saw you girls at Enner Glynn school. How awesome are you! Go get them in Holland!
Abbey ❤️
Abbey ❤️ on 15 Sep 2018
Love you both my beautiful cousins xx
Patton Ltd Nelson
Patton Ltd Nelson on 11 Sep 2018
Good Luck
Taia&Cliff on 27 Aug 2018
All the best girls, hope this helps.

Who's involved?

Shane Andrews's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Shane Andrews on behalf of My daughters
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This campaign started on 18 Jun 2018 and ended on 15 Oct 2018.