Help James get to Brazil

$3,700 of $3,500 goal
Given by 17 generous donors in 4 weeks

Help for James to present his academic research at conference in Brazil.

Christchurch, Canterbury

James has been accepted to present his academic research at an international conference in Florianópolis, Brazil in June!

We would love for him to be able to go, however, he needs to raise approx $3500 for his flights!

If anyone is in the financial position to contribute to this incredible opportunity, we would love your help!

He has worked so hard over the past 6yrs studying, and we would love for him to be able to share his findings and have this experience.

Thank you so much!

James and Catherine

Catherine Eggers' involvement (page creator)

I am James’ wife.

Use of funds

The money will be spent on flights.

Latest update

James’ Brazil Trip  21 May 2023

Hi everyone,

A quick update. We just wanted to say a huge thank you to those who have been so so generous in helping James get to Brazil to share his research.

We really are so grateful!


James and Catherine

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Latest donations

Catherine on 08 May 2023
All the best James
Catherine Eggers

Thank you so much for your generosity Catherine!!

Catherine Eggers
Jeremy on 02 May 2023
Go you good thing!
Catherine Eggers

Thank you so much for your generosity Jeremy!!

Catherine Eggers
The Rins
The Rins on 02 May 2023
Awesome work and well deserved!
Catherine Eggers

Thank you so much for your generosity Rin family!!

Catherine Eggers
Hanley on 22 Apr 2023
The conference opportunity sounds awesome! Have a nice trip! Hope this little bit helps :)
Catherine Eggers

Thank you so much for your generosity Hanley!!

Catherine Eggers
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Apr 2023
What an awesome achievement and opportunity!! Have a wonderful time!!
Catherine Eggers

Thank you so much for your generosity!!

Catherine Eggers

Who's involved?

Catherine Eggers's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Catherine Eggers on behalf of James Eggers
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This campaign started on 15 Apr 2023 and ended on 15 May 2023.