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Help Jason and Diane

  • Treatment update

      4 June 2024
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    Hi there. Decided to hop on and give you all an update! Jason has had 2 scans since starting immunotherapy and happy to report the kidney tumour has shrunk by 9mm!! Safe to say we are delighted that it is shrinking 🥰 fingers crossed for more good news on the next scan on 3rd July! Flights to Éire booked for 27th July 🙌🏻

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  • Hello from Jason

      10 April 2024
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    Hi all Jason here, just wanted to say hello and a huge thanks to you all for the support. I am doing better everyday and have had great support in NZ from Diane & Aisling and also my son Danny and his girlfriend Ciara. Delighted to get back to work albeit for 4 hours 2 days a week! Big day today with the scan so feeling very positive that things are going well with the treatment. Thanks again to ye all and keep her lit! Jason

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  • Treatment update

      2 April 2024
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    Hi everyone just a wee update it's been awhile! Happy to say treatment is going pretty well. There have been some side effects which have been hard going at times for Jason but he's handling it like a pro. He even went back to work part-time 2 weeks ago! His next scan is happening 10th April so please send positive vibes for that. It will give us an idea how well the immunotherapy it working. We are also planning a trip home July/August so hopefully we can have some catch up with you all :) thanks again for all the donations and support we really appreciate it! 💕

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  • Next step

      19 January 2024
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    Hi all just a quick update to keep you all in the loop. After much hoop jumping since early December, Jason has been accepted onto an immunotherapy trial and is receiving his first infusion today! He will need to go in every 3 weeks. Here's to a better 2024, onwards and upwards 🙏🏻 Thank you all for the amazing support 🙌🏻 Diane, Jason & Aisling x

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    • 02/04/2024 by David

      Great news.

  • Merry Christmas!

      24 December 2023
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    Hi everyone just wanted to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a big thank you for all your generous donations. We have been so grateful for all the amazing support.

    Radiotherapy is all done and Jason is recovering well and looking forward to a quiet Christmas at home with family. He will be going onto immunotherapy treatment in the new year so here's hoping for a better 2024 ❤️‍🩹🙏🏼

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  • Thank you all so much!

      26 November 2023
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    Hi all! Just wanted to login and say a huge thanks to everyone who has donated you are all amazing! We feel so blown away and humbled by everyone's generosity. It has been really great to read everyone's well wishes aswell. 💙 It has given Jason a lift before his next hurdle, radiotherapy starting tomorrow. He's a trooper though and ready to get on with it.❤️‍🩹 Thanks again! Diane, Jason & Aisling

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  • Thank you so much!

      23 November 2023

    Thank you so much for your generous donations, Jason and Diane are truly blown away by your generosity, knowing so many people are thinking of them has given them a huge boost!

    This money will not only pay bills but it’s 1 less thing for them to be worrying about.

    They have a long road ahead of them and have no idea what costs might come along so that’s why I increased the goal.

    I know this is a tough time of year to be donating so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Cora x

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    • 23/11/2023 by Claire

      We are totally overwhelmed by the generosity people have shown to Diane & Jason at this very difficult time in their lives. X

      Claire & Francie