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Help Jayden fight his battle with cancer

  • Chemo update

      28 March 2024
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    Hey Everyone ,

    Once again thank you all so much for your generous donations, it has meant so much to Jayden and his family. I thought it might be a great time to give you all an update. Jayden is now 10 weeks post op and although he developed a nasty infection he is now recovering really well. Today his Chemo journey starts again and hopefully this does the trick and blasts those remaining cancer cells. He seems in good spirits but I guess he will have to wait and see how much this treatment knocks him round. Have a great Easter everyone and again, thank you all for your kindness and well wishes for Jayden.

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  • Huge thanks everyone

      19 February 2024

    Thank you so much everyone for your generosity so far. Your kindness and support is so touching. Just a little FYI it was Jayden who posted all the thank you messages, it just came up under my name.

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