To provide Juddy with Financial support while she is undergoing treatment for stage 3 Breast Cancer (6mths chemo, surgery then radiation)
Update: Juddy would like to thank everyone for their continued support. It is helping by taking the financial pressure off while continuing treatment & not being able to work & she truly appreciates it & feels so loved & supported.
Juddy’s friends are super proud of her, remaining strong & fighting this. she is almost half way through chemo & it’s a tough journey of constantly feeling unwell & fighting off random infections along with adapting to the visual side effects of the chemo. Juddy faces surgery in the next month or so which follows by a 6 week recovery then more chemo.
We would appreciate if you could continue to share Juddy’s page, every little bit counts & we hope to get her through until after surgery & chemo is complete & she is on the road to recovery when she hopes to be well enough to return to the job she loves. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. ❤️
In February this year our beautiful friend Juddy had her world turned upside down when the doctors told her, you have breast cancer.
After a grueling wait for biopsy results when she found a lump in one breast earlier in the year, a follow up mammogram also found another lump in her other breast. Her diagnosis is Bilateral, lateral invasive ductal grade 3 breast cancer.
Juddy has opted for chemotherapy, that she has already started & will continue for 6 months, &
will then follow a month later with surgery for a Double Mastectomy and then possibly radiation.
Before this diagnosis Juddy was working as a qualified social worker, in a job she loved, helping adults in supported living. Juddy has reluctantly had to leave her job while undergoing treatment and at this stage has no set date to return to work.
Juddy is strong and a fighter and this page has been created for her by her friends, so we can support and fight with her & to try and relieve some of the financial pressure while she is so unwell from treatment and unable to work.
Any surplus funds raised will be donated by Juddy to charity
Juddy has been our friend for over 25 years, always there for us, strong, caring, a fighter, now its our turn to be there for her.
To raise funds to help Juddy through treatment of stage 3 Breast Cancer.
Next step in the journey 2 August 2020
thanks so much to everyone for their donations, it has been very much appreciated and has helped Juddy with day to day living expenses while she is unable to work.
Juddy has been so strong during the chemo journey, dealing with hospital stays and infected pic lines and feeling sick alot of the time. She has just finished her last chemo session, and has 3 weeks to recover a little before she faces surgery, a double mastectomy.. which will follow by 4-6 weeks recovery time and possibly more chemo.
Join me in sending Juddy lots of love and strength during this next stage of the journey. Know we are proud of you girl! and here for you. We love you. xx