Help Katie support her family after losing her beloved soulmate Jonathon, a dedicated father to their four young children.

$24,270 donated
Given by 433 generous donors in 12 weeks

Please help - young family of 4 children left heart broken and completely lost after the sudden, tragic death of devoted father & husband.


On 18th April Jonathon Stroud suffered a critical heart attack during the night. Despite courageous efforts from Katie and the ambulance crew doing their utmost, they were unable to save Jon. He was 2 weeks away from his 41st birthday.

The entire whanau have been left reeling after losing this amazing man with no warning.

After losing his own wonderful father, Alan Stroud, to cancer, Jonathon worked relentlessly to build up his own business as a coach. His hard work culminated in setting up a world-class personal training studio in Mana. Jonathon wanted only the best for his clients and never stopped creating and learning to hone his skills and knowledge to inspire others to be the best version of themselves.

Jonathon was a humble man who shrugged off compliments, but was proud of his business, and even more proud of his four children and their love of sport. He was heavily involved in coaching rugby and league and he was his children's biggest fan. They will all miss him deeply forever. Stellar (10), Jaxon (8), Marhsall (7) Issy (4).

Your donation will be of real help to Jonathon’s family – Katie will be doing her utmost to maintain as normal a life as possible whilst grieving this beautiful man. Your contribution will help with many expenses looming, funeral, childcare, to allow her the space to focus on the family unit, now and in future.

Please help Katie and their four beautiful children - Jonathan was a solo business owner with no insurance.

Use of funds

Your donations will go towards childcare, school costs and anything that helps alleviate day to day money worries. It will also safeguard the children’s future. Without insurance and a solo business owner, they need all the help we can offer.

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Thank you so much.  28 April 2023

Katie really appreciates deeply all the wonderful kindness and generosity that she and the children are receiving at this terribly sad time. She sends her heartfelt gratitude to you all.

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Phoebe on 24 May 2023
Jonathan sounded like the most wonderful man. I am deeply sorry for your loss x
Brittany on 23 May 2023
I’m so sorry for your loss whānau, Jonathan helped me understand how to get the most out of my health and fitness while I studied at uni-he made sure I could afford what he was offering. He shaped how I feel about the gym and personal growth in a positive way. Such a kind, calm soul with a huge heart. Hoping this small koha will help in some way. Thinking of you all arohanui x
Sarah-Kay on 23 May 2023
I’m so sorry for your loss. Jonathon was my PT years ago and taught me so much. My heart aches for your family. Such a smart motivated kind person. My thoughts and love are with your family at such a hard time. ❤️
The Vorsters
The Vorsters on 19 May 2023
Dear Katie, no words can make this time ahead any better. Much love x
Emily on 13 May 2023

Who's involved?

Adair Cameron's avatar
Created by Adair Cameron
Katie Stroud's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Katie Stroud
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This campaign started on 20 Apr 2023 and ended on 19 Jul 2023.