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Help Keven Go To The Actor's Program 2022 And Make History!

$2,510 of $9,000 goal
Given by 52 generous donors in 12 weeks

Help Keven, The First Afro-Latino to have been offered a spot in 'TAP', A prestigious drama school in NZ, to afford to go and make history!


Oprah Winfrey once said, "Every time you see me, I come as one, But stand as 10,000". This is for all of us. Hi, My name is Keven Matos Alves Souza, I am a New Zealand-born Afro-Brazillian aspiring Actor/Artist who needs your help to be able to afford school!

I have been given the absolute honor to be offered a spot in The Actors Program 2022, a prestigious Acting school in Aotearoa, and being the first-ever Afro-Latino to have achieved this!! Upon making it through the rigorous audition process for the school, where over 80+ people auditioned and only 18 made it through, I was offered a $6000 scholarship! This was after I initially wanted to differ my spot in the program till next year so I could save (So this school must really want me :)). 6K is a lot of money, but it only covers just under half of the full $15,000 fee - So I really need your help!

Being the first Afro-Latino to attend this school gives me the drive to do this for my people and fight to make it. I've always wanted to act so that people that looked like me could see themselves in me on screen and in entertainment! Growing up it was something that I severely missed. There are so many different cultures, and in particular, a large Afro-Latino/Latinx community here and I think that there needs to be more content documenting us and the culture we bring to New Zealand.

Any amount of donation would be greatly appreciated! I know we can do this and I'm willing to work my butt off to reach my goal because this means so much to me. Here's a link to the school website if you want to know more about It https://www.theactorsprogram.co.nz/. Thank you so much for your donation and time!

Use of funds

School tuition fees will be what I use the donations on.

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Graduated!  25 January 2023

Hi everyone !!

I know this is super out of the blue and late but I wanted to create one last update on this page to say thank you!! I graduated late last year and things have been great. Everyday I’m more and more grateful for my time at The Actors Program and that also reminds me how grateful I am to each and everyone of you who supported me and donated. ❀️

Thank you again, truly from the bottom of my heart,

Keven x

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Shaan on 26 Apr 2022
Go Kev!
Sylwia on 25 Apr 2022
Sky is the limit for you Kevin! Seeing you growing up to be such a talented, intelligent and caring young man it’s been a pleasure and we are very proud of you! Best of luck!
Estelle on 24 Apr 2022
Kiana on 24 Apr 2022
Happy birthday Keven!! All the best for this exciting journey 😊😊
Josephine on 24 Apr 2022
Happy birthday!

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Keven Souza
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This campaign started on 4 Feb 2022 and ended on 2 May 2022.