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Help Laurie Return to Full Health from Stage Four Cancer

  • As the transition unfurls, a call for a little extra support....

      7 October 2024

    Hi beautiful ones,

    As time passes, more processes unfurl - emotionally and psychologically as well as physically and financially - as the new balance slowly but inevitably emerges.

    I'd like to express my gratitude, on behalf of Laurie, Jeff and all of us, for all that has been contributed financially, emotionally and energetically by you all throughout this time of transition.

    As emotions weave, thought processes ebb and flow, financial bills and the call of daily life focus also continues to unfurl throughout the family. So I've extended the closure of this page for another month to give a little extra time to you all who have contributed so far to perhaps share this page with others who might feel called to pay it forward, or to donate a little extra that can be used as Koha/donation for Mason and Bay as well as any final expenses for care and passing that seem to keep coming.

    Please feel free to share this page link far and wide as there are people out there seeking aligned channels of support for their energy that may feel grateful for the opportunity to contribute toward the new balance that is emerging through Lauries transition.

    So much gratitude and love to you all. May the sun inside you always shine the light that is you far and wide.

    In heart


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  • A Life Celebrated WELL

      29 September 2024

    Yesterday's celebration of life was the most beautiful celebration of life I have been to. Every detail Laurie wanted, meticulously carried out for all to share. From the beautiful harakeke kete woven especially for her by Tania, the shroud board built by Jeff and Mason, the arrangement of flowers around her on the grass in the enchanted yard of their home, her inner support crew brewing herbs, potions, love and care in every moment. All channeled through the awe inspiring midwifery of the incredible Anahera who's unwavering love and care to detail kept vigil every single little thing. So much support. So many tears. Lauries life celebrated in love with the sharing of her carers, family and friends, delicious food, epic music, dancing, crying, snuggling, sitting, chanting and sharing... it was all there, held in the sacred essence of pure love itself. So many gifts, untold tears and gratitude for all we have gained by Lauries presence and the lessons we have learned in her loss... all still finding it's place to land uniquely in us each.

    She receives everything now… and has been sensing and feeling the support of so many near and far this past few weeks. May your dance be free as the wind that blew, shattering the glass on the frame that contained her photo; no boxes required here.

    In your own quiet moments sit, listen, purify. She is everywhere and in all of us now. You will hear her feisty self pure and clear, her work has only just begun.

    So much love and gratitude 💛

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  • A daughter cries at her mother’s side this morning…

      26 September 2024

    Kia ora whānau.

    This sent to Mason and Bay this morning:

    Morena beloved son and daughter. Your mum passed away in the early hours this morning, Thursday morning. She was comfortable with a lovely fire in the wood stove next to her.

    I need to call hospice still and the friend care group but will be around if you want to talk or better yet come over to share precious moments.

    It has been a difficult eight weeks for her, and all of us, but she finished the journey peacefully, on her terms, in a warm and empty home with a wood fire and with just the two of us … and having the last laugh by having said she wanted to pass on the 26th (it’s the 26th here) and getting it right as her final physical act.


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  • From Anahera yesterday

      22 September 2024

    Today we have woken to a beautiful sunny taranaki day.

    Spring is in the air and in the colours of flowers, clear blue skies, green lucious grass and birds singing in the many trees around Laurie and Jeffs home fill the inside of Laurie’s room with it’s fragrance and cheer …

    She has been sleeping well most of the afternoon yesterday and through the night … up for her usual middle of the night texting and messaging … and this morning for a few hours where she had some papaya and dreamt of ‘not sweet passionfruit sorbet’ …

    And back to sleep once more. She has been needing minimal pain relief the past few weeks (apart from continuous morphine pump which hasn’t had increased in potency for 3 weeks) she gets by on a few Panadol a day as she requests.

    The visit from her sister Caroline definitely raised her spirits and we have seen a much more articulate and present laurie since I last wrote .

    She has reached a new place in the past days of acceptance - giving her mind permission to acknowledge what her body is speaking - a willingness to let go and welcome the crossing over.

    How long this takes is a sacred conversation between Laurie’s body mind and spirit.

    And we all near and far continue to care for and love her through this journey.

    I refreshed her flowers yesterday and picked all the petals off the wilted ones and begun to dry them but not before laurie took delight in their smooth texture and vibrant colours


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  • Appreciation/aprehension

      16 September 2024
    Main image

    So many gifts are received in times like these...

    the appreciation of what we already have...

    the bonds of affection,

    the enduring heart

    the will do anything

    to bring comfort,

    to add something creative,



    for the unbearable moment,

    that soon passes

    via apprehension

    into the next layer of appreciation...

    only to unfold again

    into another swing of the heart door,

    blowing more and more open,

    only to jam shut,

    just for a moment of reprieve....

    here we are,

    flowing between this moment

    and the next...

    holding space

    for whatever may come...

    the sweet moments,

    cherished all the more...

    the despairing moments,

    honored for their grit.

    The fine line

    between appreciation and apprehension

    has not gone amiss

    This is Laurie a couple of days ago appreciating the art of a dear sister from her tribe. So much talent... so much love... so many prayers.... the eternal flame of ones deepest truth, burns brightly no matter what

    May you all know the love that is here

    and the appreciation for your support

    in heart


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  • Update from Anahera

      16 September 2024

    Dear friends close and far …

    Laurie is now sleeping most of the time, with less moments of clarity when she is waking.

    Yet she still pulls out with some gem of a statement when you least expect it …

    She smelled some rose spray a friend made her last night … ‘mmmm that’s the smell of love’ … she whispers …

    Last night was the first eve that I felt to bring a mattress into her room and slept right beside her … she cannot easily ring her little bell or raise her voice to ask for help in the middle of the night anymore … but the truth is just as I didn’t ever sleep well as a Mumma of newborn babes when they were out of earshot … the same applies with Laurie … it feels time to be keeping vigil for her at this stage …

    You may wish to join this vigil from your homes … perhaps a candle burning or offerings / prayers

    We continue to support Laurie’s physical body in being as comfortable as we can make her … the work she is now doing with this transition is a path only she can walk

    My prayer for her is that she can surrender and trust in this great unfolding …

    Her room is beautiful with all the colours of nature displayed in flowers surrounding her, art pieces, her favourite things, an alter we set up last night in her honour at her request with precious items added from our homes and hearts …

    This morning amongst quiet whispers she looked me straight in the eye and with a energy I havent seen for a few days and declared "My sister is coming"

    Caroline is now here xoxo

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  • A long over due update...

      15 September 2024

    This update, via Anahera, is a few days old so I will be back with a new update soon..

    Within her

    temple space

    Surrounded by the glow of

    fairy lights

    Fire light and

    Lamp light

    She is light

    And she is body

    Frail yet feisty

    Each day different

    Each day a gift




    How long is this life … how long is a piece of string?

    Laurie is still with us … but her body isnt cooperating in the return to strength and function that she has lost and would love to regain.

    She is mentally sharp and present in moments and sleeps much of the day and night.

    To be clear for those who may not be aware, there are no “modern, conventional” medical options (chemo, radiation, surgery) on offer for a curative ‘treatment’ remaining for Laurie, just the use of drugs to assist with pain and nausea via a continuous infusion and top ups of extra doses when needed (which have been very few the past week).

    Hence our Givealittle efforts to avail options in the alternative medicine realm to heal mind, body and spiritual conflicts that if resolved could lead to healing on some level (not just the palliative care she receives “with extreme gratitude” from the medical team at hospice)

    Laurie is back at Oxford Road, her team of wahine angels, the hospice team and Jeff, Mason and Bay join together to support her.

    Thank you all for your one-off or continuing support through this page. So appreciated and accepted with humility.

    Much love

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