Help Margot Fight Multiple Sclerosis

$14,646 of $90,000 goal
Given by 85 generous donors in around 6 months

Please help Margot get to Mexico for MS treatment.


My name is Margot Koko and I am 42 years old. I’m Hawkes Bay born and raised and now reside in Christchurch.

I have RRMS (Remitting Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis). RRMS is a demyelinating disease which damages the insulating covers of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. This damage disrupts the ability of parts of the nervous system, resulting in a range of physical, mental and sometimes psychiatric problems.

I was formally diagnosed 20 years ago with MS. During this time periodic relapses and remitting symptoms occurred. I was however, able to maintain an active, fun-filled and busy lifestyle with my husband, children and grandchildren. Until now.

In February 2017, I had to give up working as a floral designer and caterer due to the progression of this disease. It rapidly started to (and continues to) affect the strength in my hands, the pace and frequency of my mobility, my fatigue and my cognitive impairment. It was these symptoms that lead my diagnosis to be reassessed to RRMS.

My symptoms have exacerbated and are progressing towards the secondary stage. Sadly this means I am no longer in remission.

For myself and my family, I wish to try and beat this crippling condition by investing in overseas treatments available to MS patients. Unfortunately these treatments are not available in New Zealand.

After hours of research and conversing with specialists, I started to investigate the options for overseas treatments. It was all incredibly daunting.

But the turning point for me was meeting and talking to a gentleman (and his wife) who had not long returned from Mexico after undergoing this treatment with encouraging results.

Clinica Ruiz, Mexico offers HSCT (Hematopioetic Stem Cell Transplantation). This treatment works by taking and storing stem cells from the blood. The body is then blasted with chemo to kill off the immune system. The MS memory free stem cells are then re-infused. The process of building a new immune system, without the memory of MS begins.

The understanding is that wiping out and rebooting the immune system, will halt the progression of the disease and stop any further relapses or attacks.

It is understood to be effective for 70-90% of patients with MS. The best odds are those with RRMS in its early stages.

Due to the enormity and uncertainty of this ‘medical experience’ my husband Tom will be my caregiver and is accompanying me throughout this chapter as my number one support.

HSCT in Mexico is $54,500 USD ($76,000 NZD). This only encompasses the 28 day treatment. It does not include return flights from New Zealand to Mexico for my caregiver and I. Neither does it include, on return to NZ, the 3 months of post-treatment and the 24/7 home care that I will require.

Responses from family and friends regarding my decision to go ahead with the HSCT has been overwhelming. They have given me the push to set up this page to help make my dream become a reality.

I would like to thank you for reading my post and thinking of me and my family at this special (and bit scary) time as we start this next chapter. It will be dialogued for you on a blog once I get it up and running!

Here goes! Watch this space! Xx

Use of funds

The funds will be used for the HSCT Treatment in Mexico and return flights to Mexico for myself and caregiver. If there is a surplus it will be donated to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. We will make this happen and the any funds donated are to help towards costs

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Latest donations

Dale Coop
Dale Coop on 01 Aug 2018
Best wishes
Sarah (Paddy Moore)
Sarah (Paddy Moore) on 23 Jul 2018
Hi Margot, I heard about your plight from Paddy Moore, he delivers gas to the Fertility Clinic in Wellington and I wanted to donate something towards your trip. Kind regards Sarah
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 21 Jul 2018
Wishing you well, Margot
Kevin and Kerry Hinton
Kevin and Kerry Hinton on 21 Jul 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Jul 2018

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Margot Koko's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Margot Koko
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This campaign started on 11 Feb 2018 and ended on 11 Aug 2018.