Help Matty Angel pay for her surgery to resolve the pulsing in her ear and the pain in her eye
Christchurch, Canterbury
The magnificent Matty Angel – disability advocate, mentor, survivor and inspiration to many – is on the last stage of her incredibly difficult path to silence the really loud pulsing in her head. She has a condition called Pulsatile Tinnitus which manifests as being able to hear her heart beating. While many people have this to a certain extent, for Matty, who needs quiet due to her autism, this sound is incredibly loud and causes unimaginable distress. After 2 years of fighting to be taken seriously, XRays, MRIs, scans, admission to mental health respite, ongoing mental health support and visits to a neurologist, an ear nose and throat specialist, a lumbar puncture and finally a trip to a surgeon in Hamilton, Matty was finally vindicated in April this year.
Please help Matty pay for her costs and re-start living her life again.
I am a friend of Matty's, who both she and Fi trust to organise this fundraiser on Matty's behalf.
To help cover the costs of Matty's surgery, which are are excluded by a clause in her medical insurance. Funds will be released to Fi as requested by Matty.