Help max get to Thailand for life-changing treatment

$866 donated
Given by 20 generous donors in around 3 months

Help Max go to Thailand for life changing cold atmospheric plasma treatment. Anything helps, all donations greatly appreciated.


In early 2022, I noticed a bothersome area on my elbow, which turned out to be eczema. After receiving hydrocortisone cream from the doctor, my skin improved, but the eczema returned more severely. Despite trying different treatments, including potent steroid creams, the condition persisted and worsened.

In September 2022, I decided to stop all steroid creams. Unfortunately, this decision led to a severe flare-up, affecting my face, arms, armpits, legs, neck, and back. Seeking help from a specialist dermatologist, I was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. Despite undergoing four courses of high-dose immunosuppressants over four months, the therapy was unsuccessful.

Through my research, I discovered I was experiencing topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) due to prolonged use of steroid creams. Consulting with the dermatologist, I was prescribed dexamethasone, an oral steroid, which temporarily cleared my skin. However, I had a withdrawal from dexamethasone in October 2023 which resulted in a more intense episode, affecting my entire body and causing severe pain, insomnia.

Losing trust in conventional medical solutions, I explored Cold Atmospheric Plasma therapy (CAP therapy), identified as the only known 'cure' for TSW. Unfortunately, this treatment is only available in three countries, and I need to move to Bangkok, Thailand, for a six-month course of CAP therapy.

I am reaching out for support on my journey back to wellness. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks, Max

Use of funds

All raised funds will go towards all living and treatment costings of moving to Thailand.

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Latest donations

Maureen and Barry
Maureen and Barry on 30 Nov 2023
All the best Max for a swift recovery
Penelope on 28 Nov 2023
Such a rough road you are on at the moment Max but I am super proud of how hard you worked to be where you are now. We are so happy to help you on your healing journey. Kia kaha sunshine☀️
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Nov 2023
Mollie on 23 Nov 2023
Good luck with your treatment! I’m currently having CAP sessions in the UK. I hope you heal soon
Nia on 22 Nov 2023

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Max Macindoe's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Max Macindoe
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This campaign started on 20 Nov 2023 and ended on 20 Feb 2024.