Help me hear the world again

$1,835 donated
Given by 31 generous donors in 12 days

Follow Brees Story on Facebook to keep up to date with my nuerofibromatosis type 2.

Pyes Pa, Bay Of Plenty

My name is Bree Bates. I’m 22 years old and live with a disease called nuerofibromatosis type 2.

Over time my hearing has further decreased due to tumors on the nerves of both ears and now I struggle to hear on a day to day basis. This is impacting my career as a nurse with colleagues/patients and my home/social life. I can’t hear the TV anymore or have successful social interactions with people.

Having hearing loss at my age has become very scary for me and as I result I get social anxiety to communicate with anyone. I have an 8 month old son and want to be able to be the best mum I can be as he grows and wants to talk to me.

This means I need hearing aids. I have an appointment on the 20/02 to look at my options. To have quality ones that will assist me they start at around $6,000. Unfortunately I can only get funding for $1,000. I would greatly appreciate any donations so I can live a fulfilled happy life again :)

Use of funds

The funds raised will go towards buying hearing aids that will assist my hearing for now and future.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Feb 2023
Love Nadine and Guy 😘
Maddy on 09 Feb 2023
Love ya best friend x
Jade on 09 Feb 2023
Katrina on 09 Feb 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Feb 2023
Hope u can get the best hearing aides ever, very soon. Xx

Who's involved?

BREE BATES's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, BREE BATES
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This campaign started on 7 Feb 2023 and ended on 20 Feb 2023.