$3,420 donated
Given by 82 generous donors in around 6 months

Let me meet my Dad, for the very first time.


UPDATE!!!!!!!!! 25/4.

DNA has been done, his results are in and mine are currently processing. So in as little as a few more weeks, maybe and hopefully less I'll know! We all will know. I'm so excited, and so nervous.

Your support has been absolutely amazing.

I'm so overwhelmed, and hopefully I can keep saving and keep on raising!

Thank you xxx

Thanks for finding the page!

You're mostly here from Tik Tok, and you all know my story. I feel weird doing this, but there would be absolutely no way I could potentially afford to meet this man and do DNA by myself! So I appreciate you all!! Much love xxx

Please, help me meet my potential Dad.

DNA test, flights etc!

I grew up all of my life being told he wasn't alive, I knew I just knew something wasn't right. Something was off, I've spent years, months, weeks, days, hours looking for said man.

I've applied 6x for lost & found tv show, with no such luck.

All I had was a name, and was told he was absolutely sports mad. That's all I had. Family knew nothing, nothing at all.

One night, just 4 ish months ago I just thought I'd look his name up on social media, with a common name I thought this would be absolutely impossible to find, I mean what if he was dead? Any way, I stumbled across this page and scrolled through to find everything was sports, sports, sports, lived in Christchurch 1990, so I just bit the bullet and messaged him. To find out it's HIM!!! And, he had absolutely no idea about me, at all. NOTHING

Use of funds





Latest update

DNA DONE  3 May 2023


Everyone has been asking for an update, we'll I have one. Just one at the moment.

I was able to purchase 2 DNA kits, and they got sent out not so long ago.

We've done our samples, and now we are just waiting for the results. I watch my emails like crazy, and I keep on checking in with Noel too..

I'm very anxious, and very very excited for this.

I haven't quite reached the goal, but with me saving too and picking up extra shifts where I can, I'll be in the UK in time. Hopefully sooner rather than later!!

Thank you ALL for being so patient, my next update will be the results! Which you may see on Tik Tok first.

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Latest donations

Popson on 30 Jun 2023
Everyone deserves to meet and know their parents, best of luck with the tests
Chris on 21 Jun 2023
Jase on 11 Jun 2023
Emm on 11 Apr 2023
Hey, Iā€™m welsh, 31 and live in Cardiff, I would love for you to come over and meet your dad, hope this helps! Emma.
Fabian on 13 Mar 2023
You're Story is beautiful! I hope you will meet him. Greetings from Germany

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Sharnee  Butler's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sharnee Butler
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This campaign started on 14 Jan 2023 and ended on 14 Jul 2023.