Help mum with headstones for her babies

$4,643 donated
Given by 144 generous donors in 4 weeks

Help a grieving mum who has lost three of her children to separate tragedies.


Queenie Withers has experienced every parent's worst nightmare, and she's done it three times over.

She lost two of her seven babies as infants in 2006/2007 due to a heart murmur and pneumonia. Then she tragically lost her oldest son Whetu Peke last month. He was hit by a car and killed.

"Losing two was really really hard. Losing another one is unbearable," Queenie told the Herald.

"Burying your own child is the worst thing ever. When it's your babies you crumble inside.

"I have my moments. I cry every day."

Financially times have been tough and the family are trying to fundraise for headstones to grace the graves of their three loved ones.

Read Queenie's full story here -

*Message from Queenie's sister-in-law Davina Peke*

My Brother Glenn and Sister In-law Queenie have over a period of 10yrs, lost 3 children to sickness and as a result of a car accident. They had 7 kids and have always been tight knit, lived life with absolute love, but have suffered tragically over these years. What do you say? What do you do? To try and console the hurt that continues on a daily basis.

Each time as they try and pick up the pieces and think things are getting better, they are hit by tragedy. There is no answer to why this is happening to their whanau and it hurts watching and feeling absolutely helpless.

The money raised would be used to put headstones on each of the kids graves. I know this is something that they would love to happen for the kids and their family. It would be greatly appreciated for any donation that could contributed to such a worthy cause.

Sarah Harris' involvement (page creator)

I was incredibly moved by Queenie's story when I interviewed her and believe she needs all the support she can get.

Use of funds

The money will go towards the headstones for her children's unveilings next year and will be deposited into a fundraising account set up by Davina Peke, Queenie's sister in law.

Latest donations

Koha on 28 Apr 2018
My love and prayers are with you and your whanau
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Apr 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Apr 2018
Mā te Atua koutou hei manaaki hei tiaki i ngā wā katoa 💛
Raewyn Tai
Raewyn Tai on 18 Apr 2018
Ngawhare-Taipeti Whanau
Ngawhare-Taipeti Whanau on 06 Apr 2018
I read your story in the Herald & felt the mamae. He koha humarie engari he koha aroha. Kia kaha whanau pani💞

Who's involved?

Sarah Harris's avatar
Created by Sarah Harris
Davina Peke's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Davina Peke on behalf of Queenie Withers and family
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This campaign started on 29 Mar 2018 and ended on 29 Apr 2018.