Help my little warrior Princess (trisomy13) patau syndrome

$1,250 of $6,000 goal
Given by 6 generous donors in around 3 months

Chromosome disorder patau syndrome Trisomy13 Also chairi malformation

Mount Wellington, Auckland

Sahara was born with a chromosomal condition called Trisomy 13 or patau syndrome, its a duplication of the 13th chromosome and due to this many babies are born with many medical issues that result in death, most babys die staright away or withing the first year and life expectancy for these kids is uncertain, the majority dont live into their teens. Sahara has had many issues since birth but so far has battles all of these.

Sahara has had operation on her windpipe and spin as this was tetherd causing her pain, also her brain (cerebellum) has be pulled out of her skull, her eyes are formed the wrong way round so she has to wear glassed, she has sleep apnea and has issues with breathing.

The brain being pulled down causes her gate to be unbalanced so she struggles to stand/walk and has similar effects of vertigo, also pain numbness and pins and needles in her extremities.. the brain being pulled down now causes a condition called chairi malformation, she will need mediacl intervention in firms of drugs and surgery throughout her life as well as dealing with the Trisomy13 issues..

I am needing help and support with medical expenses and therapy for her. Due to me not being residency in NZ I am not entitled to subsidy from wins or ird for all her mediacl needs.. Sahara needs constant check ups, therapy for walking, headaches, seasures, and possible brain surgery.. due to covid and time of work when she is sick I am struggling to get all the things she needs to help her progress.

Use of funds

Funding with medical expenses to help sahara with walking, seeing, hearing, headaches, pain, therapy

We are not entitled to a community card for small medical things like glasses, hearing aids, some medication, walking aids, special shoes

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Jan 2023
Kaylee Gillett

Thank you so much for your support

Kaylee Gillett
Vanessa on 29 Nov 2022
Wishing your daughter the best.
Kaylee Gillett

Thank you so much 💓

Kaylee Gillett
Roxanne on 22 Nov 2022
Clear Skincare
Clear Skincare on 07 Nov 2022
Dear Kaylee & family, On behalf of Clear Skincare, we extend our support to your family and the beautiful Sahara. We’re in awe of your little warrior’s tenacity and glee… that cheeky smile would light up a room on any dark day! It’s our true privilege to offer this contribution towards Sahara’s cause. Wishing Sahara all the best with her ongoing treatment. Lots of love, your Clear Skincare family x
Kaylee Gillett

Thank you very much. I really do appreciate your help

Kaylee Gillett
Christine on 30 Oct 2022

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kaylee Gillett
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This campaign started on 28 Oct 2022 and ended on 28 Jan 2023.