Help needed after volcano destroys homes on Ambae Island

$320 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in around 4 months

Funds will help provide food and fresh water to people from Ambae, evacuated after volcanic activity contaminated their homes.


Over the last 12 months an active volcano on Ambae Island, located in the central archipelago of Vanuatu, has constantly been emitting sulfur gas and ash plume.

It’s estimated that twenty five percent of the island is covered with over 30cm of volcanic ash.

The Vanuatu Meteorology & Geo Hazards Department advises that around eighty percent of the island remains inside a dangerous flow zone where unpredictable lahar flows are a constant threat.

The ash plume and volcanic induced acid rain has contaminated water resources within the volcano’s 3km radius, making traditional water sources unsuitable for drinking or personal use. The vegetable gardens are devastated leaving little food for consumption and livestock.

The Vanuatu Government is now moving people from Ambae to evacuee settlement zones on nearby islands.

The future for the people of Ambae is uncertain. They do not know if or when they will be able to return to their homes.

This Give A Little Page will help provide food and water as they begin the difficult task of rebuilding their lives and communities.

Wellington Vanuatu Community's involvement (page creator)

The Wellington Vanuatu Community raises funds to support emergencies back in Vanuatu. In this case funds will go from the Wellington Vanuatu Community to the Vanuatu Government's National Disaster Management Office. Funds will go toward the provision of freshwater and food for evacuees from Ambae Island due to volcanic activity which has made homes uninhabitable, destroyed crops and contaminated water supplies.

Use of funds

Funds will go directly from the Vanuatu Wellington Community to the Vanuatu Government’s National Disaster Management Office to help provide food and water in Ambae evacuee settlement zones.

Latest donations

Kelly on 28 Jul 2018
June and Michael M
June and Michael M on 28 Jul 2018
Isobel on 28 Jul 2018
I hope this helps in what little ways it can. Kia kaha
Angie on 27 Jul 2018
Phoebe M
Phoebe M on 27 Jul 2018

Who's involved?

Wellington Vanuatu Community 's avatar
Created by Wellington Vanuatu Community, paying to a verified bank account of Wellington Vanuatu Community (Group) on behalf of Evacuees from Ambae Island
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This campaign started on 31 May 2018 and ended on 30 Sep 2018.