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Help Oliver Dance in LA

$250 of $10,000 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in around 10 months

Let’s get male dancer - Oliver to LA for two weeks of dance workshops & dancing at Disney!


Oliver has a passion for dance. He started when he was 2.5yrs old and is now 12 and dances Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary and dabbles in Hip Hop. He is also an assistant teacher to the junior dancers at his studio.

He has been invited to dance in LA in April 2024. We would like to make this happen for him, especially as he is a minority in a female dominated industry, this trip will be a once in a lifetime opportunity!

All donations will go directly towards the costs of this two week trip which is filled with dance workshops, personal development workshops, dancing at Disney & all things dance!

Thank you for helping make our dancing boys opportunity a reality xxx

Nicola Swan's involvement (page creator)

Oliver’s supportive mother helping make his dream come true!

Use of funds

Flights, and all costs for the 2 weeks of workshops and dancing at Disney.

Latest donations

Ed on 29 May 2023
Good luck!
Bonita on 13 May 2023
Nicola on 13 May 2023
Angela on 12 May 2023
Julie on 12 May 2023

Who's involved?

Nicola Swan's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Nicola Swan on behalf of Oliver Dancing in America!
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This campaign started on 12 May 2023 and ended on 3 Mar 2024.