Help Orana Wildlife Park create a White Rhino Conservation Centre

$5,452 donated
Given by 52 generous donors in around 9 months

Any amount you can donate now will support our efforts to help save rhino from extinction


Rhinos could be extinct in our lifetime. In Africa, a rhino is killed on average every 6 hours for its horn! There are more rhinos killed than there are born. Unless we act now, rhinos may be extinct within 10 years.

As New Zealand’s only open range zoo, Orana Wildlife Park in Christchurch is a key player in a major global effort to help save rhinos from extinction. We have partnered with two Australian open range zoos and a charity called The Australian Rhino Project (TARP) to expand the managed rhino breeding population in Australia and NZ. This will involve transferring approximately 35 animals from Africa to maintain a genetically diverse insurance population in our safe countries (NZ and Australia).

Orana Wildlife Park will construct a $1.4M White Rhino Conservation Centre that will house and breed more rhinos in Christchurch and quarantine (for up to 1 year) all animals from Africa destined for our Australian partners. Some rhinos from each import will remain at Orana to build the genetic diversity of our herd.

Please be part of our efforts to help save rhino from extinction in the wild. Orana is a registered charity raising 100% of funds for all developments. Your donation will help us contribute to conservation on an international scale.

Rhinos need us all for their survival.

Thanks for being a friend of Orana.

About us

For over 40 years, Orana Wildlife Trust has operated Orana Wildlife Park. Our aim, along with being dedicated to the conservation of endangered species and the welfare of our animals, is to provide education, recreation and enjoyment to the public.

Use of funds

Your donation will help Orana Wildlife Park construct a $1.4M White Rhino Conservation Centre in Christchurch and support our efforts to help save rhino from extinction.

Latest update

Help Orana Wildlife Park create a White Rhino Conservation Centre  31 December 2021

Any amount you can donate now will support our efforts to help save rhino from extinction.

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Latest donations

Private Donor
Private Donor on 23 Mar 2022
Orana Wildlife Trust

Thank you for your support.

Orana Wildlife Trust
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Jan 2022
Orana Wildlife Trust

Thank you for your support in helping us conserve these beautiful creatures.

Orana Wildlife Trust
Hamish (age 8)
Hamish (age 8) on 13 Dec 2021
I hope you make this count to making the rhinos' home. I came as a year 3 to learn all about the animals so I would like to help out with the animals. Please can you send $20 to the rhinos and $20 to the baby giraffe that fractured it's leg. Giraffe's are my favourite animal.
Orana Wildlife Trust

Hi Hamish! Thank you so much for your kind donation - it means a lot to us. I'm so glad you want to help the animals you learned about when you visited. Hopefully you can come and visit us again soon.

Orana Wildlife Trust
Dev on 09 Dec 2021
Orana Wildlife Trust

Thanks Dev, we appreciate your support.

Orana Wildlife Trust
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Dec 2021
Orana Wildlife Trust

Thank you!

Orana Wildlife Trust

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Orana Wildlife Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 12 Jul 2021 and ended on 31 Mar 2022.