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Help Orana Wildlife Park Survive Covid-19

on 20 Apr 2020

Jill asks

Apologies typo ..... email is

Regards Jill

Orana Wildlife Trust

Hi Jill, my sincere apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Thank you so much for thinking of us and for your kind offer of support. We'll pass on your details to our animal teams who will be in touch if they would like to take you up on that generous offer of hydroponic lettuces. Naturally we are very fortunate to have great relationships with our local suppliers who are very supportive of the Park. Thank you again. We hope you are keeping safe and well in your bubble. Kind regards, the Orana team.

Orana Wildlife Trust
on 19 Apr 2020

Jill asks

We are commercial growers of hydroponic lettuces in Oxford North Canterbury .. our current crop customers are not in a position to take the product so we are looking for alternative avenues (local hospitals churches etc can not take due to health compliance restrictions) ... our sheep & neighbours & friends stock are enjoying ..... would any of the animals at Orana Park want lettuces in their diet??? Free of course ... otherwise these will be dumped unfortunately .... current quantity about 4000 .... being animal lovers we would love to be able to help somehow at this time .... our contact email ... look forward to hearing from you regards Jill

Orana Wildlife Trust

Hi Jill

Thank you so much for your offer - unfortunately the email came back to this the correct address?

Orana Wildlife Trust

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