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Help our beloved Nash heal from cancer

  • Continuous Battle

      13 October 2024

    At the moment Nash have not started her chemotherapy because of the cancer spread at her liver which had to be surgically removed. There were several times of PR Bleeding as well which has happened and delayed her progress of treatment. Please continue to support and pray for Nash so she can get better and cured faster and soon.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Thank you everyone.

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  • The Struggle is Real but She’s Holding On

      4 October 2024
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    First of all thank you everyone for helping Nash.

    Also, during the last update, there was an error of the date of when the RadioTherapy of Nash has finished-it was on June 25th and not May (sorry about that).

    - Currently Nash is on the 3rd week of her post-op from the Liver Surgery and the surgical site is thankfully healing well🙏🏻

    - But Nash has started to struggle more each day on her rectal tumour symptoms. She is suffering from stimulation called “Tenasmus” or the urge of going to the toilet at all times. Because of this, she is not having enough sleep everyday. There are times that she does not know how to even sit or lay down on bed because of the stimulation.

    - Her Oncologist suggested for her to have Rectal Surgery next instead of chemotherapy to get rid of the tumour from her body first then do the chemo.

    - However the Rectal Surgeon is not convinced yet that surgery is the best option because Nash only weighs 43kg at the moment. The surgeon thinks it will put her life in danger if she is not healthy enough for the surgery.

    - She had an MRI and it showed that the tumour is still shrinking due to radiotherapy (good news- but bleeding is also still a threat to her then). But to make sure that the affected lymph nodes are not active, she needs PETScan as well.

    Let us pray that Nash can gain weight, have less symptoms so her daily is somehow comfortable, and that she is healthy enough for Rectal surgery🙏🏻.Thank you everyone.

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  • Continuous Battle

      17 September 2024
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    So much has happened to Nash since the month of May:

    -The Chemo tablets got her admitted to hospital because of severe diarhea as her gut lining became thin due to the chemo tablets.

    -But still managed to finish the 27 times radiotherapy sessions on 25th May.

    -However soon after that she was admitted to the hospital again due to severe bleeding on her rectum. -Around end of June she had a bad bleed again. Fainted twice and had blood transfusion.

    -The bleeding was due to severe reaction of the tumour on radiotherapy which made ulcer on her rectum, open vessels and creates the bleed and unfortunately it can happen again anytime.

    -During the CT Scan to find out the bleeding source, there was a New cancer found on Nash’s liver.

    -The supposed to be Chemotherapy sessions scheduled after radiotherapy was halted due to the discovery of the new Liver cancer and because Nash is sadly loosing more weight due to the bleeding incidents.

    -Nash had to go through Liver Resection scheduled on 13 September

    -Before the Liver surgery, Nash had a massive bleed again and was again admitted to hospital

    -Thankfully the Liver Surgeon still finds situation to be acceptable to continue the plan for surgery.

    -On 13 Sep, Nash had liver surgery, the cancer on the liver was taken out.

    -Currently Nash is trying to recover at home and hoping that she can go for chemotherapy soon.

    For all the things that is happening, Nash is continuously fighting; And she’s grateful for everyone who are praying for her.

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  • Update 2

      11 June 2024
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    We’ve gotten a bit of traction! Nash’s network in Singapore has personally donated around $3K, and her brother has given around $1.5K which was used to pay the second installment of the radiation therapy.

    Nash has finished 10+ sessions of radiotherapy. She has started to experience some side effects of fatigue and diarrhea the past few days, and at one point had to run to the emergency due to the pain. She is managing so far and is extending her gratitude for everyone’s donations, prayers, and kind words.

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  • Update 1 - 14th of May

      14 May 2024

    Hi all,

    We thank you all for the donations and prayers!

    We thought to make a few updates with Nash’s situation:

    - Nash has started Radiation therapy this week - so far she needs to get about 280ml of liquid in her bladder. It’s a bit tricky, but she’s managing. No side effects so far, and 25 more therapy sessions to go as of today, 14th May.

    - Nash opted to take the therapy in NZ instead of the Philippines due to the following reasons:

    > The cancer has affected her lymph nodes, and there’s now a risk of her other organs getting affected - her doctors needed her to jump on the therapy as soon as possible

    > Flying back to the PH would mean having to go by public hospitals - this would mean delays. There are also caps on local grant supports (usually up to 50KPHP) which barely covers the cost.

    > The next option is to go private route—and St Luke’s Hospital in the Philippines have the same price range as in NZ.

    > She does not have much family left in the Philippines. Her parents have passed away, so there's minimal support for her in the PH- which means having to commute and bring herself to the doctors ALONE. And going through pain, day by day, alone.

    On behalf of Nash, we’re very thankful for your support. Every help from you counts - from prayers, donations, words of support, or sharing the link to your networks as well. Every bit to make Nash feel she’s not alone in this fight.

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