Help our beloved Sarah heal from cancer

$111,411 of $107,133 goal
Given by 1256 generous donors in around 6 months

Raising money to support Sarah Barr to heal from cancer!

Hawke's Bay

In August this year, our beloved Sarah was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma.

Devastatingly, this is the same cancer her Mum died of when she was young.

Sarah has already had surgery to remove the main melanoma from her right arm and the corresponding lymph nodes. The next stage and her best path towards healing is immunotherapy. This treatment can be lifesaving. Unfortunately, it is very costly and not funded in New Zealand.

We are hoping to raise the funds required to start the treatment urgently.

Sarah is someone who has faced more loss and setbacks in life than most. Some of you will know parts of her heartbreaking and inspiring story.

She is also someone who has positively touched the lives of so many people.

Sarah is a prominent member of Aotearoa’s pole dancing and aerial community, where she has created the most magical spaces of connection, art and empowerment as a studio owner, teacher, mentor and artist for over a decade.

Sarah and her husband Jack have had a tremendously tough financial year and don’t have a rainy day fund. Having lost both her parents in childhood, Sarah doesn’t have a familial safety net.

Sarah is an incredible Mumma to her two precious kids Emma (4) and Hugo (1). As someone who is always seeking to be of service to others, it’s really difficult for Sarah to receive help. But she wants to do everything she can to ensure her two gorgeous kids don’t grow up without a Mum as she did.

A big thank you in advance for your love and support!

Michelle Kasey's involvement (page creator)

I'm one of Sarah's besties.

Use of funds

Pembrolizumab/Keytruda, Oncology Treatment Fees and associated travel costs.

Excess funds will be used for nutritional supplements, food and mental health support

There is another page for Sarah here

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Latest update

Latest donations

Rachel and Ruurd
Rachel and Ruurd on 12 Jun 2024
All the best to you and your family
Lucy on 10 Jun 2024
All the best
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Jun 2024
Philippa on 08 Jun 2024
Sending heaps of love
Susie on 18 May 2024

Who's involved?

Michelle Kasey's avatar
Created by Michelle Kasey
Sarah Barr's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Sarah Barr
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This campaign started on 14 Dec 2023 and ended on 14 Jun 2024.