Help our Survivors of Sexual Harm Find a Sense of Belonging

$995 of $5,000 goal
Given by 25 generous donors in 8 weeks

Survivors dream of connection! Help fund our EmpowerME "Lift a Sister" retreat: workshops, sisterhood, healing. Donate & Empower:


Each time we finish an EmpowerME survivor programme, the most common request is that our sisters can meet each other in person. Feel the connection of their shared trauma.

Can you imagine a weekend filled with healing workshops, shared stories, and the strength of sisterhood?

For our 'Lift a Sister' survivors of sexual harm, this isn't just a fun time, it's the foundation for healing. EmpowerME is raising funds for a powerful retreat weekend for these courageous women. This retreat offers a safe space for survivors to connect, share their journeys, and build a powerful sense of belonging.

Why is this so important?

One of the biggest challenges survivors face is isolation. Sexual harm can shatter a sense of trust and safety, making it difficult to connect with others. This retreat changes that. By surrounding themselves with other survivors, survivors can find a powerful source of strength and understanding. They can learn coping mechanisms, share experiences, and celebrate their resilience together.

Imagine the impact of your donation:

Workshops: Led by experienced professionals, these workshops will equip survivors with tools for healing, self-care, and empowerment.

Connection: The retreat fosters a safe space for building supportive friendships, and feeling understood.

Empowerment: Through peer support, trauma informed care and positive experiences, survivors rediscover their strength and reclaim their sense of self.

I have applied for a grant and am also putting on an event to raise funds.

Help make this transformative experience a reality!

P.S. Share this page with your friends and family!

Use of funds

The funds will be used towards accommodation, flights to get survivors up to Auckland, meals for 50 pax survivors, facilitators for workshops over the weekend and various workshop materials.

Every dollar donated brings us closer to creating a weekend of healing, connection, and sisterhood. Together, we can lift a sister up and empower her journey towards wholeness.

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Latest update

Silent Auction Live & Humming  29 August 2024

Very excited to see so many amazing items being donated on our Silent Auction!

What better way to buy home sound systems, buy tickets to festivals or get a pamper package than buy to support a great cause?!!

Check out the silent Auction here:

Nga mihi,

Tamara xx

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Latest donations

Emma 2 hours ago
cristina 4 days ago
Susan 4 days ago
Joanna on 26 Aug 2024
I can't make the fundraiser as I am heading away on tour that donating here instead :)
Geveta on 23 Aug 2024
Super important! That you for your mahi

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, EmpowerMe Ltd (Business)
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This campaign started on 16 Jul 2024 and ends on 30 Sep 2024.