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Help Paekākāriki support our kaumatua and his whānau with urgent medical costs

  • Update

      12 September 2024
    Posted by: Karl Farrell

    Tena koutou katoa,

    First and foremost we would like to extend our gratitude and heartfelt thank yous to each and everyone of you who have donated to this give a little, big or small, it all adds up. We are so mind blown at the amount of tautoko we have received.

    Just a wee update:

    After having quite a few chats with Karls oncologist as a whanau we have decided to look into travelling up to Palmerston North as we have heard it is slightly cheaper, We are currently waiting for a consultation appointment.

    We also found out this week that the type of cancer Karl has will unfortunately NOT be apart of the 80% that pharmac is funding for public use and although that is a set back we as a whanau are still remaining positive as we have been blessed from our whanau, Hapori , friends and neighbors via thia give a little with almost $30k to fund the medication needed.

    On behalf of Karl, Beryl and our whanau we would love to mihi to everyone again. We are so astounded by the flood of aroha, manaaki and tautoko we have received. We seriously cannot find the words to describe just what this means to us all.

    Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takatahi, engari he toa takitini.

    Our strength is not made from us alone, but made from many.

    No reira ko tenei te mihi aroha kia koutou katoa.

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  • He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata he tangata he tangata.

      26 August 2024

    He aha te mea nui o te ao?

    He tangata he tangata he tangata.

    A message from the whanau.

    Ngā mihi maioha,

    On behalf of our whanau i would like to extend our deepest gratitude and heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who has donated and shared our Pāpās give-a-little page. We have been extremely humbled by the amount of aroha, manaaki and tautoko we have received since finding out about dad. For once we shed tears of happiness. This medication is going to keep dad here with us for longer and if you know what our papa means to us you would know how extremely grateful, we are to get this and to Allow us to learn more from him and create more beautiful memories as a Whānau, especially for his moko and mokomoko and of course for our beautiful māmā to spend more time with her best friend and husband. Kore ngā kupu, there are no words. Ka nui te aroha. Although we have already reached an astonishing amount, we still have a maunga teitei to climb all we ask is you Keep sharing to your peers/pages.

    Ko tenei te mihi mahana, kia koutou kotoa mai i to matou whanau, te whanau Farrell.

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