Health/Teeth/Face Update
24 May 2016***Message from David:***
Thank you all so much for your support, love, contributions, messages and people dropping in to say hi - SO MUCH APPRECIATED.
I am doing well (I think) overall, and finally have a 2 week gap until my next appointment as they wait for my teeth to settle a bit more before doing anything further. I still can't eat anything that requires real chewing or that is hard, and can't use my top or bottom front teeth in the eating process, but am learning quickly which foods and meals work and I'm making it all work ok. I have lost a lot of weight and still am probably not eating enough overall but am supplementing what I eat with protein shakes and other goodies to make sure I'm as healthy as I can be :)
I don't have a huge amount of energy and still sleep quite a bit each day, but the good news is I can do some of my gigs and sing again - I just need to make sure I have a good sleep beforehand and then again after! In some ways it's kinda like being a kid again... having to have an afternoon nap if I plan on staying up late and taking a protein shake with me for mid gig when I run out of steam! I even had a really nice evening with friends over for dinner last night (after having an afternoon/evening nap first!)
I still have 3 stitches in my bottom lip which I hope will be out/gone soon. It's looking much much better especially the last four or five days or so when the main scab came off.
Thank you all so so much for your support and asking me how I'm going and just saying hi :)
I still have some emotional roller coaster moments, and some of these come at the strangest times, but overall things are improving and I feel like good progress is happening even if it appears very slow to me at times!
Thank you all again so so much