Help save our ECE centre

$1,335 donated
Given by 28 generous donors in 9 weeks

Help save our ECE centre

Hawke's Bay, Wairoa District

Kia ora, we are 11 teachers from a small Early Childhood Centre called 'A Kiwiana Childhood' in Wairoa that has been through a lot in the last few years from Covid closures, Cyclone Gabrielle and the recent flooding our town experienced 2 weeks ago. Well, we just found out on Sunday 7th that we are all being made redundant and the centre is permanently closing - this has come as a huge shock to our staff and whanau who will now be left with no jobs or childcare for the 40 odd families enrolled at our centre.

Our final day of operating will be the 8th of August but our current manager has decided to do everything in her power to re-open up under a new name/business which will take time and of course money to be fully operational again. We are so forever grateful she is willing to take on this risk so we may keep our jobs and our small town will have somewhere for their tamariki to attend. We currently have 11 teaching staff who are now searching for other employment in the interim and over 40 families now in limbo with limited childcare/kindergartens in Wairoa - with most being full already.

We have the support from our local kindergartens/ECE centre, local community, schools and of course our whanau - but we need your help. We are reaching out and asking if anyone can spare anything to help us re-open again in the near future. Thank you for taking the time to read our story and support our small town.

Use of funds

All monies raised will go directly to re-opening the centre for our tamariki and whanau under a new owner/name. For example: Outdoor play equipment, resources, fridge, washing machine, beds, tables, chairs ect.

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Latest update

Thank you  18 July 2024

Hi everyone, thank you to you all who have donated or shared our post! With every dollar donated we get closer and closer to being able to open up ASAP for our teachers and families.

At this stage we are almost ready to submit the paper work needed to get a new license. The biggest challenge is buying everything needed to pass and gain said license … tables, chairs, cots, mattresses, fridge, washing machine, resources ect. We have managed to get some donations from Sports Hawkes Bay and some other entities and we are so greatly appreciative of this.

Thank you all again and please - keep sharing our story! We have many teachers and families waiting for us to re-open.

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Latest donations

Huia on 20 Jul 2024
I would love to help send donations if I could have a address to send too.
Help us keep our centre

Hi Huia, thank you for your donation. We truly appreciate it ~ could you email me please and we can send you the address of the new owner to be.

Help us keep our centre
Lynn on 19 Jul 2024
Help us keep our centre

Thank you Lynn 🫶

Help us keep our centre
Hannah on 18 Jul 2024
Kia kaha! Aroha Nui xx
Help us keep our centre

Thank you Hannah 💕

Help us keep our centre
Anne on 17 Jul 2024
Best of luck x
Help us keep our centre

Thank you Anne 🫶

Help us keep our centre
Lisa on 17 Jul 2024
Help us keep our centre

Thanks Lisa, appreciate your kind donation 💕

Help us keep our centre

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Created by Help us keep our centre (Group)
Jonelle Woon's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jonelle Woon
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This campaign started on 9 Jul 2024 and ends on 9 Oct 2024.