20 January 2025Shadow finally had surgery on the 15th January 2024 and it went really well. He's allowed 5 minute walks 3 times a day. His stitches come out in 2 weeks time.
Shadow finally had surgery on the 15th January 2024 and it went really well. He's allowed 5 minute walks 3 times a day. His stitches come out in 2 weeks time.
First and foremost thank you everyone who donated to help Shadow get better. He didn't matter how small my family are very gratefully for it. Unfortunatly Shadow has to have surgery on the hip as the hip had popped out again. He had another X-Ray on Wednesday to confirm and on Thursday he went under to see whether it would go back in again, but to no avail. His surgery is booked for next Wednesday. He seems to be in a lot of pain today so off to he is the vet again this afternoon.
Ten days post-attack, Shadow is doing well. He barks when people pass the room we are staying in while we are away. He has met another Schnauzer and got excited to see them and greeted them with a wagging tail, but not so sure of the big black lab one small step at a time!!!