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Devastating situation, help Sharon & Ross keep their family home

on 30 Mar 2022

Kylie asks

Hi, my name is Kylie and I am so sorry to hear about your parents diagnosis and situation.

I work for a charity called TimeOut. We connect generous holiday homeowners all around the country who are willing to donate a stay to a person diagnosed with an incurable illness so that they can spend time together and make special memories with family & friends.

If you are interested in applying or just want to find out more, we would love to help. You can apply online at or email with any questions.

Take care, Kylie

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on 8 Feb 2022

Debra asks

Hi Sophie

Your parents’ situation is something I have always dreaded. Several ideas spring to mind to help them but I am assuming you have exhausted all other avenues? Is the $250,000 target the amount that is needed to freehold the house? I completely understand if you prefer not to engage but I wanted to reach out to you in case there was any way I could help work this out. I’m just a private citizen with great problem solving skills. If you choose not to answer, good luck with this very difficult situation


Hi Debra, thank you so much for reaching out. It has been a tough few years in our household but we have definitely been overwhelmed with the love and support of everyone so far. Yes the $250k is what is required to freehold the house. When my mum first got sick and they claimed terminal illness insurance a large percentage of their mortgage was paid off and the rest of the money went towards my parents wanting to live comfortably and happily till my mum passed, thankfully we still have her around and fighting. This is a very tough situation however we are so thankful to everyone that has reached out, so thank you.

Sophie Cooksley

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