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Help Simon receive life saving treatment

$89,356 of $700,000 goal
Given by 676 generous donors in 10 weeks

Help Simon Hayes receive life saving treatment for an aggressive form of blood cancer.

Wellington, Lower Hutt City

In 2022, Simon Hayes was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, an aggressive form of blood cancer. Simon immediately began chemotherapy, and was expected to make a full recovery.

Last week, Simon was told that this cancer is no longer treatable in New Zealand, and that his life expectancy is less than 12 months.

The available option that gives Simon the best chance of survival is based in Australia. The treatment, through the Peter MacCullam Cancer Centre in Melbourne, would require Simon to undergo CAR T-Cell Therapy. To date, this therapy has shown positive results. However, the treatment costs upwards of $700,000NZD. It also requires Simon and his wife Donnella to relocate to Australia whilst the treatment is carried out, taking them away from their 5 New Zealand based children, and 2 grandchildren.

Simon is an incredibly selfless individual, who has always gone above and beyond to help those around him. Be it financially, personally or help with employment, he is one of those special few who will always be the first to help.

Now, we as a family, friends and colleagues are asking that others help Simon during this incredibly difficult time. Any financial assistance is appreciated, and will go towards the life saving treatment, travel and relocation costs that are necessary to save Simon’s life.

Simon and his family are overwhelmed with the offers of support from friends, family and colleagues and are absolutely humbled by the generosity shown by those around them.

Eileen Fogarty's involvement (page creator)

Simon's daughter in law.

Use of funds

The $700,000 treatment, conducted through the Peter MacCullam Cancer Centre in Melbourne, will require Simon to undergo CAR T-Cell Therapy and relocation costs to Australia for himself and his wife, Donnella.

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A huge thank you!   19 December 2023

As the Givealittle comes to a close, the family just want to say an enormous thank you to all of the incredibly generous donors.

It has been overwhelming to see the amount of support flowing in for Simon, which is truly a testament to the kind of person he is.

Simon is currently in New Zealand receiving bridging treatment. The treatment is needed so that Simon is well enough to eventually return to Melbourne to receive his re-engineered cells.

Thank you so much again everyone.

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Kate on 13 Jan 2024
Claire and GP told me last night about the fight on your hands. Sounds like you’ve got an amazing support crew around you. Best wishes.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Jan 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Jan 2024
Frank on 03 Jan 2024
You got this Simon
Erika on 03 Jan 2024
Go Simon EF SFAU

Who's involved?

Eileen Fogarty's avatar
Created by Eileen Fogarty
Donnella Fogarty's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Donnella Fogarty on behalf of Simon Hayes
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This campaign started on 19 Nov 2023 and ended on 30 Jan 2024.