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Help Stacey Schultz beat Breast Cancer

  • Heartfelt Update on My Treatment Journey

      28 December 2023
    Posted by: Stacey Schultz
    Main image

    I am reaching out to convey my profound gratitude for the remarkable support you've provided throughout my ongoing treatment. I am genuinely moved by the kindness and generosity demonstrated by everyone. I am delighted to share that I have commenced this treatment, marking a milestone of two weeks today.

    While this journey has presented its share of challenges—filled with moments of frustration, smiles, laughter, tears, and occasional feelings of hopelessness—I want to emphasize that the support I've received has played a pivotal role in navigating through these experiences. Despite some lingering unpleasant symptoms, the encouragement I've received has been crucial in sustaining hope and determination.

    Your koha has not only lifted the financial burden, allowing me to concentrate entirely on my recovery, but it has also been a source of strength and motivation. Your generosity has left an enduring impact on my life, and I want you to understand how profoundly grateful I am.

    Thank you from the depths of my heart for being a significant part of this journey. Your ongoing support continues to inspire and uplift me.

    The desire to give back is a driving force that motivates me to work towards creating positive change and fostering a sense of community well-being.

    Kia ora.

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  • Ngā mihi

      2 December 2023
    Posted by: Stacey Schultz

    Kia ora koutou.

    A heartfelt and immense thank you to everyone who has supported me during this journey. We are now one week into the second round of chemo and each day presents its unique set of challenges. The physical strain is at times demanding, and mentally, it has taken a toll. Your generosity, whether through koha, unwavering presence, or allowing me to be authentic in this journey, fills me with profound gratitude. The challenges may be considerable, but your support has made an indescribable difference. The reality is that if I don't work, I don't get paid. Despite this, I strive each day to maintain strength and a semblance of normalcy, even with the increased need for sleep and use of medication. Special appreciation for enabling my parents to be with me for a month. Your kindness and support mean the world to me. I want to express my heartfelt thanks for making this possible.

    Ngā mihi.

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