Let's give striker the chance to live the life he was meant for, full of joy, love, and all the cuddles he can handle, he is a gentle soul.
New Lynn, Auckland
Striker's story begins before he was even born. His mother, abandoned in the dead of night alongside three other dogs, found herself in foster care. Striker, born into loving arms of his foster family, has never known anything but kindness. For 11 months, he's grown into a goofy, fun-loving, cuddly boy-full of life, joy, and endless puppy energy.
But last weeek, Striker's world took a sudden turn. He bacame terribly sick, and despite multiple vet visits and treatments, covered by his foster family, the mystery of his illness deepened. Monday 30th September, in a life saving surgery (3 1/2 hours) vets discovered a horrifying truth: a cord or string had been lodged around Striker's tongue, down into his throat, and wrapped tightly around his intestines, like a scrunchie. The damage was servere, but the surgery was a success.
Striker just wants to continue being the happy, goofy boy that everyone knows and loves. He's a dog who still hasn't found his forever home, and now he's fighting for his life.
The foster family has covered the vet bills up to this point, but the costs for surgery, aftercare, and continued vet visits are mounting up. They need help to ensure Striker has the best chance at a full recovery and to live the life he deserves.
Striker is more then just a foster dog-he's asymbol of resilience and love, and with your support, he can make it through this tough time. Every donation helps, no matter how small, and will go directly towards his medical care and recovery.
medical care, and recovery, vet bills (Lynfield Vets), aftercare.
Home but not out of the woods 9 October 2024
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the donations so far, these are going a long way to help cover costs. We are so very grateful 🫶
Striker is home and feeling a little better, we still have vet visits every second day, we are keeping him quiet , have to monitor his toileting very very closely, he is on very small quantities, several times a day, of special food to make sure we don’t over stimulate his intestines and burst the internal stitches from the 8 incision sites.
We are so grateful to Teresa from Lynfield vets for her amazing work, she has told us she will not accept any praise for her work for 2 week until she knows he is in the clear, but after those 2 weeks we will shower her with praise.