Help support Evan and Cindy with their battle against leukaemia

$52,410 donated
Given by 468 generous donors in around 3 months

Helping a friend in need

Tokoroa, Waikato

After suffering a stroke on the 27th of December 43 year old Evan has now been diagnosed with Leukaemia.

He is a loving husband and a great father to two young boys and is always willing to help others, so now it is our turn to help this amazing guy and his family with any costs they may incur during this difficult time.

Mathew Sheldrake's involvement (page creator)

Best Mate.

Use of funds

Costs incurred for family travelling to support him in hospital and general costs of the household.

Latest update

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Evan is home! 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦  2 May 2023

Posted by: Cindy Dickinson

I'm pleased to tell you that this will be our last update for a while.

Ev's 4th round of treatment went really well. When we arrived back up in Waikato we expressed some concerns to the haematology team. They really made us feel heard, and they adjusted the treatment accordingly. His body handled it much better, his heart was more settled and he only picked up a small infection that he was able to fight off in only a few days. Due to a number of factors, it was a mentally/emotionally challanging round.

We were all understandably relieved when the Dr's told Ev that his leukemia was still in deep remission and the 5th round of chemo wouldn't be necessary after all. 🎉

Going forward, Ev will be having weekly blood tests and 3 monthly bone marrow biopsys for approximately 2-3 years. He also has so many morning meds that we had to purchase a pill organizer 😅

We arrived home to some lovely surprises, Larry and Tegan had put together a welcome home sign for the front lawn. Koston had dressed up and made a display of all of EVs favourite things, including having his favourite song playing when we walked through the door! There were tears all around that night, tears of extreme relief I think. And gratitude.

Ev has been home with us for nearly two weeks. We are all settling back into (almost) normal family life. He still gets frustrated occasionally but knows that his recovery will take time. He is getting stronger and more able to do everyday activities.

Again, we would like to wholeheartedly thank you. See you soon x

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Mar 2023
Thinking of you!
Sam on 27 Mar 2023
Love ya brother and keep up that good fight!!!
Greg on 25 Mar 2023
Thinking of you bro, keep up the progress!
Ali and James
Ali and James on 24 Mar 2023
Much love to you guys, you are stronger than you ever knew xx
Nathan and Carla
Nathan and Carla on 23 Mar 2023

Who's involved?

Mathew Sheldrake's avatar
Created by Mathew Sheldrake
Cindy  Dickinson's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Cindy Dickinson on behalf of Evan
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This campaign started on 29 Dec 2022 and ended on 31 Mar 2023.