Help support the Cook family while they navigate life after the devastating loss of Jamie after a short battle with cancer.

$52,688 donated
Given by 426 generous donors in around 4 months

Help support the Cook family while they navigate life after the devastating loss of Jamie after a short battle with cancer.


We are devastated to update you that Jamie Cook sadly lost his battle with cancer at 1am on the 31st July. We knew it was a rare and aggressive form of cancer but nothing could have prepared us for his rapid decline. The loss is immense, especially as Marnie and her three young children, Cairo (12), Ruby (10), and Hendrix (4), will now navigate life without their beloved dad.

Jamie underwent chemotherapy and was fighting for his life right to the very end, he would’ve done anything to have spent more time with his children and wife. His battle lasted less than three months and the final days of palliative care lasted only 4 days. We feel robbed of time with Jamie and it’s a tragedy his life was cut so short when he had so much to live for, but he was at peace and has now gone to a better place.

As their community our heart is to minimise the financial burden of paying a mortgage, and the daily bills so that Marnie can spend time with her children, prioritise being a mum and have the space to grieve the loss of her husband.

Any money you give, no matter how large or small the amount, will help create a financial buffer for her and take the pressure off of her during what is an immensely stressful and tragic time.

Marnie wants to say thank you for the incredible support she has already received and is overwhelmed by the show of love and support for Jamie and her family in the past few months.

Caroline Murdie's involvement (page creator)

Family friend of the Cook's.

Use of funds

Our hope is that we can show them financial support in their time of need and relieve Marnie and Jamie of financial stress so she can continue caring for Jamie and their precious children.

Also towards the non-government-funded drug posaconazole

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Latest update

Help support the Cook family while they navigate life after the devastating loss of Jamie after a short battle with cancer.  6 August 2023

We are devastated to update you that Jamie Cook sadly lost his battle with cancer at 1am on the 31st July. We knew it was a rare and aggressive form of cancer but nothing could have prepared us for his rapid decline. The loss is immense, especially as Marnie and her three young children, Cairo (12), Ruby (10), and Hendrix (4), will now navigate life without their beloved dad.

Jamie underwent chemotherapy and was fighting for his life right to the very end, he would’ve done anything to have spent more time with his children and wife. His battle lasted less than three months and the final days of palliative care lasted only 4 days. We feel robbed of time with Jamie and it’s a tragedy his life was cut so short when he had so much to live for, but he was at peace and has now gone to a better place.

As their community our heart is to minimise the financial burden of paying a mortgage, and the daily bills so that Marnie can spend time with her children, prioritise being a mum and have the space to grieve the loss of her husband.

Any money you give, no matter how large or small the amount, will help create a financial buffer for her and take the pressure off of her during what is an immensely stressful and tragic time.

Marnie wants to say thank you for the incredible support she has already received and is overwhelmed by the show of love and support for Jamie and her family in the past few months.

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Guest Donor on 27 Sep 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Aug 2023
We love you xx
Colman on 22 Aug 2023
I loved Jamie. He had great energy every single time I got to spend with him.
Huffer on 17 Aug 2023
Wishing the Cook family the best from the Huffer team
Ajaiy on 15 Aug 2023

Who's involved?

Caroline Murdie's avatar
Created by Caroline Murdie
Marnie Cook's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Marnie Cook on behalf of Jamie Cook
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This campaign started on 4 Jun 2023 and ended on 30 Sep 2023.