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First Pasifika Chess Champions compete in Australasian Chess Tournament

$13,036 donated
Given by 271 generous donors in 23 days

Pasifika NZ Chess Champions to compete in Australasian National Chess Tournament in 4 weeks


Siblings Tyleah (11) Hunter (10) and Grayson Po'e-Tofaeono (8) started playing Chess last year through their school team. This year, after qualifying through various tournaments and winning the Auckland Region Interschool Chess Tournament, they recently competed and WON 1st place at the NZ Chess Power National Tournament with their School Team.

They are the FIRST Pasifika (Samoan/Niuean/Cook Is.) Kiwi kids in a team to win NZ Nationals.

Hunter finished 3rd place at the NZ Nationals Chess Power Individuals Tournament, and also won top under 11 player.

Tyleah won the Top Girl Award in this National tournament and is also the first Pasifika Girl to win this National Top girl award.

Grayson placed 5th overall. All 3 finished in the top 10.

This is a huge achievement especially as they just started learning and playing last year.

This week we found out their team has qualified and been invited to play in the Australasian Nationals Tournament held in Melbourne December 1-3. We would love the opportunity for them to be apart of this and with 3 kids in the team and a short time frame, and already fundraising for NZ Nationals.

If you or anyone else would like to help them get there by donating towards a passion and dream and such a worthy cause. They train/play everyday (as well as keep up with schoolwork and extra curricular activities) and this year have played and gone through the many emotional highs and lows in as many tournaments to get experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read and support our cause and their dreams. If you would like to also follow and get chess updates on instagram: ptchesskids or on FB PTChessKids

Update: alofa Lava!

Thank you everyone who has donated to our cause. As you can see by the amount raised there is more than enough for them to get to Australia to compete in Melbourne tournament, Thank you all so much! We are prepping well and keeping positive for an awesome experience.

For all extra funds this will be kept for their future chess tournaments only. There wont be any extravagant spending lol we been on budget life with Masina from day dot haha! Tyleah has plans in future to compete in the Womans Olympiad team, she is currently ranked 8th for under 20yo (and they are competing next year in Russia) so you can see how far these hopes and dreams have the capacity to travel and go far with your support. Potentially this could also mean Masina not having to work evenings as well and have more time with them at home. So we are so very GRATEFUL for all the love and support for our family.

If you still want to donate you're more than welcome :) but please don't at the expense of own personal family costs if it means you missing out on you or your families needs. They will be fine and thriving and are happy :) Like and Follow on FB for all the support and encourage given free.

Alofa Tele and Much Love to you all

Po'e-Tofaeono Family

Use of funds

Funds will go towards Chess registration fees, Flights, accommodation, and travel Any extra funding will go towards any future team and individual tournaments they will be involved in

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On our way to Melbourne   30 November 2019

Just wanna say thanks again

To everyone!! We are on our way. Check fb and Instagram for updates xx

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Rm 12-MS SEHC Otara
Rm 12-MS SEHC Otara on 21 Nov 2019
Congrats on your achievement. (Rm 12-(Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate -Middle School Otara are very proud of you three, and wish you all the best. Go Hard)
Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono

Kia ora Room 12 Thank you for your kind donation and best wishes :)

Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono
Afa from Avalon
Afa from Avalon on 19 Nov 2019
Was so awesome competing with you in Christchurch and so good to see you representing Pasefika in the area of chess! All the best for Melbourne-show those Ozzies what NZ is made of! Much love from Afa and the Avalon School Chess team
Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono

Likewise! You guys were such a highlight of our Nationals experience. Wow. Thank you so much Afa and family team. Hope to meet up with yall again :) Lots of love from us!

Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono
Uncle Taua
Uncle Taua on 19 Nov 2019
Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono

Thank you Uncle Lots of Love from us :) Take care of yourself in smokey sydney xx

Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Nov 2019
good luck kids
Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono

Thank you so so much for your generous donation! Very grateful We will try our best :) <3

Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono
Backing kids who try
Backing kids who try on 19 Nov 2019
Well done! All the best for Aussie tournament.
Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono

Thank you so much. We are training and trying our very best xx

Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono

Who's involved?

Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Zelda (Griselda) Tofaeono
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This campaign started on 1 Nov 2019 and ended on 24 Nov 2019.