Help the swamp rats find their feet.

$7,520 donated
Given by 58 generous donors in 14 days

Helping a great little family find their feet again.

Puketapu, Hawke's Bay

As you all may know by now Josh and Sarah's home was damaged severely in the recent flood to the state that they will not be able to move back home. The main thing is they are all safe albeit tired and running on empty. They are living with us in Hastings where the boys are happy to be with their cousins and have some sort of normality in this horrible time. Thanks to a massive effort from local friends and family, we have managed to save as much as we could in the house but ultimately they will be starting again from scratch. Josh and Sarah are just living day to day with no brain capacity to think further ahead. During this period, they have been inundated with friends and family from afar that want to help. I thought opening a give a little page for friends and family that want to show their support will be a real help for when they start to rebuild their future. It is important to note, these guys have full insurance however this money will still be welcomed to help cover the costs in the interim. When I proposed this idea to them Josh wanted to say that whatever money they don't need will be given to other families that need it as well.

Katie Kettle's involvement (page creator)

Josh is my eldest brother.

Use of funds

Replacing all their household items lost in the flood.

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Latest donations

Stephi & kids
Stephi & kids on 06 Mar 2023
Thinking of you guys! Xx
Michele on 04 Mar 2023
Thinking of you guys. I hope this goes a little way to helping…and letting you know we’re thinking of you. x
Rebecca on 04 Mar 2023
Sebastien on 04 Mar 2023
Thinking of you guys, looking forward to seeing you get back to normality so we can have some more great adopted extended family moments! With love, Seb and Lindsay
Jodi on 03 Mar 2023

Who's involved?

Katie Kettle's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Katie Kettle on behalf of Josh, Sarah and the swamp rats.
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This campaign started on 21 Feb 2023 and ended on 7 Mar 2023.