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  • Thank you, thank you, thank you.

      23 July 2024
    Posted by: Keri Molloy

    I took delivery today of my new car - a little powder blue Toyota. It feels fantastic to be on the road again, thanks to you all - kind and generous people. You made it possible and I am touched and grateful for your caring. THANK YOU.

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    • 24/07/2024 by Carmel

      So happy to hear things are getting back to normal for you Keri. I have kept up to play when speaking with Sam (Peters), and if you dont mind will pass this onto Paddy, my son who was the first to arrive at the scene from the Mangonui Fire brigade.

      When I told him about your recovery he was in awe. He said they rarely hear about victims recovery or otherwise, after the event- so this was such welcoming news.

      We must catch up Keri- you have done such a sterling with the WHO Pandemic Treaty & the Int. health regulations, l altho I fear from the draft I saw today of the NZ Pandemic Plan there is a still a major battle ahead of us.

      Go well Keri- enjoy your new car and lets catch up soon

      God Bless,

      Carmel (Jennings)

    • 24/07/2024 by Judith

      hi Keri,

      So good to hear news of you and that you have a car again well done you

      Wishing you all the very best for your continued recovery you have done so well


      Jude Greener

    • 25/07/2024 by malcolm

      Fab Keri, go safe! Malcolm x

  • Along the way

      11 April 2024
    Posted by: Keri Molloy

    What did I learn?

    That people are by nature empathetic.

    How to ask for help.

    How to accept things I cannot change.

    To be immensely grateful to friends and family who came to see me, nurtured me, encouraged me, organised my life, brought me treats and contributed dollars.

    To be amazed by the skills shown by the medical team at Whangarei Base Hospital that patched me up.

    To appreciate the work of physios, nurses and nurse assistants, nutritionists, kind admin people and occupational therapists.

    To appreciate the efforts of the hospital chef who carefully moulded pureed protein to look like a lamb chop!

    To relish the sun.

    To acknowledge each small progressive step along the way.

    That standing can be frightening but once you can do that, climbing stairs is not far off

    There are times when you cannot sensibly ask for non-mRNA vaccinated blood and to have a sense of humour about the ridiculousness of that request at the time.

    To appreciate ACC for outstanding response and action.

    To acknowledge the police, Victim Support and my insurance company for trying their hardest to help.

    To thank local businesses who said ‘we don't want to charge you’.

    To give thanks for our health system.

    To accept that big goals - eating chocolate, getting back in my kayak and enjoying horses again - are more motivating than being able to do housework.

    Thank you to all of you from the bottom of my heart.


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  • I'm mobile

      11 April 2024
    Posted by: Keri Molloy

    April 10, 2024

    Dear family and friends,

    The cast on my right arm came off this morning, my left shoulder is out of its sling, the metal rod in my left leg is doing it's weight-bearing work and everything else has healed well.

    I am self-sufficient enough to leave respite care. I have been well cared for at Kerikeri Village but it is time, now, to spread my slightly wobbly wings.

    I am very excited to spend a little time at Mindy’s from tomorrow, before I head home later this month to the comings and goings of Kate, Ia, Neva, Amy, Arlo and Enoki.

    Nearly two months down the track, I'm mulling over lessons learned along the way.

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  • Update from Keri

      22 March 2024

    I would love to thank every single  one if the kind and generous people who donated to the Givealittle page.

    I have been so nurtured by each lovely message and it is very comforting knowing that the fund is there to help when I get home.

    It's now about a month since the car crash. I received amazing medical treatment and care at Whangarei Hospital. The skills in patching me up were remarkable and I am doing really well.

    When I was able to do a few things for myself, I was moved a bit closer to home at Bay of Islands Hospital, where once again the care was excellent.

    I am now in the respite unit at Kerikeri Village waiting to regain use of my arms before serious rehab and, finally, a return home in some weeks to come.

    There have been huge lessons on this journey, the biggest being immense gratitude to family and friends who wrapped me in kindness and took over my life, to ensure I could focus on healing.

    I have loved visits from friends and I so appreciate every single hand up.

    THANK YOU!!!

    Much love


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