Help us fight for Lily's Mum

$7,385 donated
Given by 55 generous donors in 14 days

Lou has stage 4 terminal cancer. Craig and Lou's hope; she lives long enough for their baby Lily to have real memories of her.

Otago, Queenstown Lakes District

Louise and Craig have allowed us to set up this page to help support them. Their hope; she lives long enough for their baby Lily to have real memories of her.

It costs a lot, the treatment, treatment of side effects, life with a baby, mum with cancer and dad with a full-on job. And family at the other side of the world, Northern Ireland and England. Her story is below in her own words.

Hearing “you’ve got cancer” isn’t something you are ever prepared for.

Hearing “it’s incurable” is immediate total numbness.

Not just for me, but for my Craig and our beautiful daughter Lily.

They are my world, and I can’t help but grieve for a future that will be stolen from us.

Last April, when I was 11 weeks pregnant, I found a lump and was diagnosed with breast cancer which shifted to stage 4 after it spread to my liver and bones.

My medical team came up with a plan that included treatment for me while ensuring Lily was safe.

We welcomed Lily Lesley-Anne - named after my mum and Craig’s mum, both of whom we have lost to cancer – in September, two months early.

For a few months the drugs seemed to be working.

But last month that changed.

My last CT scan revealed my existing tumours had grown and new ones. That came with a shocking dose of reality.

Me sharing our story comes with no expectations; but we are so thankful for the offer of help.

My biggest driver is to survive long enough for Lily to remember me.

I live in hope we can achieve that.

Josie Spillane's involvement (page creator)

Good Friend and representing a lot of other very good friends.

Use of funds

Specialized consultation from UK base oncologist. Travel, caring for Lily, and anything Craig & Lou can do to ensure Lou can live long enough so Lily has real memories of her mum - not video, not stories, real memories of her mummy.

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Latest donations

Alexa 16 hours ago
Oh Lou and Craig, I have only just seen this story. I am so sorry to hear your news but know you are both incredibly strong. Go well.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 1 day ago
Kia kaha, aroha nui
Tegan 1 day ago
Amy’s mum Mads
Amy’s mum Mads 1 day ago
My heart goes out to you all - stay brave and strong xx
Chris B
Chris B 2 days ago
Kia kaha Lou, wish there was more we could do to help but hopefully this makes a difference!

Who's involved?

Josie Spillane's avatar
Created by Josie Spillane
Louise Scott's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Louise Scott
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This campaign started on 20 Jun 2024 and ends on 20 Jun 2025.