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Help us fund a Mobile Vaccination Clinic in Tairawhiti!

$123,887 of $123,772 goal
Given by 1966 generous donors in one day

Help us to keep covid OUT of Tairāwhiti!


Tairawhiti is one of the most beautiful, and over the summer, one of the most visited regions in the country.

We are also one of the most under-vaccinated regions in the country.

The illness rates in our communities, combined with limited health services (we have just 6 ICU beds and 7 ventilators in the district) means that a covid outbreak in Tairawhiti could be potentially devastating.

We are gradually increasing our vaccination but we need to get there faster, especially with summer on the way, and we need your help to protect our communities from covid.

We know what works - local people, local planning, local stories. In parts of our region, where we have used this model, it's worked to get very successful vaccination rates and now we need to do that again for more Tairawhiti communities.

Our plan is simple - get a van, load it up with vaccines, and hit the road with 2 nurses and 2 locals, and go to every household in Ngati Porou from Potaka to Whangara over a 5 week period. Over those 5 weeks it will also attend community events (Christmas in the Park, Christmas parades) and will then attend Pa Wars. Over January, it will also go to the main recreational campsites in our region, and finish at Waitangi Day.

Can you help fund the "KAHI PAHI" (Cuzzy Bus) and boost our vaccination rates in Tairawhiti?

Use of funds

- Leasing a mobile vaccination service

- Our 5 week Ngati Porou door-to-door service

- Staff (2 x nurses, 2 x local support crew)

- Spot prizes for community events

- Administration costs (marketing, promotion, developing information resources)

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Latest update


Aotearoa you are amazing, thankyou for the amazing outpouring of aroha. We have enough to get our program going and will keep updating you all on how it goes.

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Latest donations

Sid on 18 Oct 2021
Pete on 18 Oct 2021
Jenny on 18 Oct 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Oct 2021
Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou e whakaaro nui ana ki o tatou whanau.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Oct 2021
Good on you for getting it done

Who's involved?

Te Aroha Kanarahi Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Te Aroha Kanarahi Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
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This campaign started on 16 Oct 2021 and ended on 18 Oct 2021.