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Help us fund medical treatment for Maia not available in New Zealand

  • A big fundraising goal update!

      17 January 2025

    Ata mārie e te whānau. We have an update, and it's a pretty big one.

    Last week my parents were able to pull together $40,000 to go towards Maia's surgery in Germany, and we are now only around $5000 away from reaching our goal of $170,000 (taking into account the approx $2,500 in fees that Givealittle take).

    This means we have been able to book the complex imaging required in Leipzig, Germany for 11 March 2025, and surgery will be in the week following this. We are going to Germany and Maia will have her life-changing surgery.

    There aren't any words to tell you all how grateful we are for your help in getting this far. We could not have done it without all of you. The next few weeks will be a bit crazy as we try to organise the million things that need to be done before we leave, but we will keep you all as updated as we can.

    Please feel free to share our Givealittle page if you can, as getting the last little bit of funds will help to give me (Rebecca) some financial breathing room while I am off work supporting Maia, as well as ensuring we are covered in case of unanticipated things while in Germany.

    Ngā mihi me te aroha nui

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  • Fundraising update!

      10 December 2024

    Kia ora e te whānau, it's been a while since we posted an update! Life seems to be moving at a million miles an hour, and yet is still at a standstill in so many ways. A raffle set up by Team Ryan and Gifkins and an amazing group of sponsers was drawn, and raised a whopping $10,000 towards Maia's surgery! Congratulations to the winner, and huge thanks to everyone who took part in any way.

    As we head into the holiday season, and approach the 1 year anniversary of Maia's diagnosis, I've been reflecting on all of the changes we have had over this year.

    This time last year, we were preparing to head to Hamilton for the scans that would confirm what we had already suspected- that Maia had a number of Abdominal Vascular Compression Syndromes that were causing her debilitating symptoms, and severely restricting her quality of life. We knew that the treatment options available to her would be limited, and would likely come at what felt like an insurmountable cost. As a solo parent, there was simply no way that I could make this happen on my own.

    A year on, with the help of our generous community, we have raised just over $122,000. It feels like we are on the home stretch, and that surgery will happen sooner rather than later.

    You have all made this happen for us, and there are no words to adequately express how grateful I am for what you have all given for my daughter.

    Have a happy and safe Holidays, and know that we are all so grateful for you all.

    Aroha atu, Aroha mai.


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  • Fundraising goal update!

      6 September 2024

    Kia ora e te whānau, a bit of an update on the fundraising front! We have had people busily fundraising on our behalf externally from the givealittle, with funds raised by Central Normal Primary School, private donations given by an anonymous donor, and the ongoing efforts of my mum and her colleagues! These donations totaled $2,473!

    In addition to this, we have received a donation of $20,000 from Richard Lester, which is so incredibly generous and we are so grateful for.

    This reduces our givealittle fundraising goal to $102,927, so we are well over halfway to getting Maia to Germany!

    A massive thank you to everyone for your continued support and donations. It's starting to feel like we're actually going to get Maia her surgery and we couldn't have gotten this far without you all.

    Much aroha and appreciation from our little whănau 💜

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  • Fundraising goal update!

      17 June 2024

    Kia ora koutou, we have a big fundraising update! We have received a private donation of $35,000 from an incredibly kind and generous person, who would like to remain anonymous. Words cannot describe how grateful we are for this.

    We have reduced the total fundraising goal on our givealittle $125,400 to reflect both this donation and the other external fundraising efforts that have taken place to date!

    Thank you all for your ongoing support and generosity 💜

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  • A small update from our whānau

      10 June 2024
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    Kia ora e te whānau, a very delayed update to our fundraising progress 🙂

    Things have been a little hectic recently on our end, so apologies for the lack of updates! Most of May was spent traveling to and from various medical appointments (which all seemed to be booked for May), as well as the usual day-to-day family life.

    Maia quietly celebrated her 18th birthday with family and close friends. This has been a bittersweet milestone for Maia, as it has not brought with it the independence that it would for most people.

    Not much has changed in terms of Maia's health, and we continue to try to maintain her nutrition and hydration as well as possible. Our fantastic GP has been an incredible help in this area, and has been supporting Maia with IV hydration.

    Our fundraising efforts have been slow but steady, with approx $1500 raised externally. Included in these funds are a generous donation from the Ashhurst RSA Women's Section, a number of donations from a lovely Ashhurst resident, and the proceeds of multiple raffles organised by my wonderful mum and her work colleagues. This brings our fundraising goal down to $160,500, which I will update.

    We hope to have more fundraising events to update you with soon. Thank you all for your continued support! It means the world to us 💜

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  • Fundraising goal update

      13 April 2024

    Our fundraising goal is now $162,000 thanks to the amazing work of everyone who took part in the Hot Rod Fundraiser in Tokomaru. Thank you so much to everyone who was involved 💜

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  • Update- Car Show fundraiser was a huge success!

      13 April 2024
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    Hi everyone, just a wee update. Firstly I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has donated and/or shared Maia's Givealittle over the past week. The support we have received has been incredible, and we are so very grateful to you all.

    Secondly I'd just like to share the final total that was raised from the amazing fundraiser that was held in Tokomaru last Friday- $8051!!! It was a great night with a huge turnout, and the organisors did such an amazing job. As these funds were raised separately to the givealittle, they will be put aside and taken from the total that needs to be raised, meaning that our fundraising goal is now $162,000. We will continue to do this following any external fundraising that is arranged.

    Once again, thank you. Your support means so much to us. Please continue to share our page far and wide, and pop over to our Facebook or Instagram pages to follow Maia's journey.

    Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou,


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